Dr Wang Wei Siang

Dr Wang Wei Siang
Lecturer, School of Social Sciences
College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Dr Wang Wei Siang received his PhD in Economics from Michigan State University. His current research interests are Applied Econometrics and Machine Learning. He has published papers in Journal of Econometrics and Journal of Productivity Analysis.

Before joining Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), Dr Wang was teaching at Michigan State University and Kettering University. He has taught various courses including Macroeconomics, Data Analytics, Survey Methods and Sampling Techniques, and Econometrics at various levels. He was nominated for Humanities and Social Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award in 2017. In 2019 and 2020, he received the Excellence in Teaching Award from the MSc in Applied Economics programme at NTU Singapore.

Dr Wang Wei Siang

王伟祥博 士

王伟祥博士毕业于美国密西根州立大学经济系,主修计量经济学和国际金融。 他曾教的科目包括宏观经济学、数据分析、抽样分析和计量经济学等。 他目前的研究兴趣为应用计量经济学和机习学习。 2017年,他被提名人文及社会科学院杰出教学奖;2019和2020年,则获颁南洋理工大学应用经济学硕士项目杰出教学奖。