Dr Wang Yue
Dr Wang Yue
Senior Lecturer
Head of Doctor of Administration Programme
Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)
Dr Wang Yue is Senior Lecturer of Singapore University of Social Sciences and she is the head of Doctor of Administration Programme. She graduated from National University of Singapore with Master in Economics and PhD in Marketing. Her research interests include digital marketing, social media, consumer behaviour and new technology adoption. She has been teaching both graduate and undergraduate level marketing and economics courses, applied research courses and executive training courses. Her research works were presented at International Conferences such as Marketing Science, ACR, ANZMAC, etc.
王玥博士是新跃社科大学商学院的高级讲师,并担任工商管理博士项目课程主任。她在新加坡国立大学先后获得经济学研究型硕士学位和市场营销博士学位。她的研究兴趣包括数字营销,社交媒体,消费者行为及新科技采纳。她所教授的课程包括本科和研究生的营销学,经济学相关课程,应用研究课程,以及高管培训课程。她曾在Marketing Science, ACR, ANZMAC等国际会议上展示其研究成果。