The 6th TCTF-NTU Advanced Leadership Development Forum: Sustainable Development and Global Creative Talent Nurturing in the Post Pandemic Era

Details of the event:
Date: Friday, 11 March 2022
Time: 9am to 5pm
Format of event: Online via Zoom
Language Medium: Mandarin
Similar to the previous years, the morning session will start with a brief opening ceremony, at which distinguished representatives from NTU Top Management and the TCTF Council will be invited to give a speech, followed by a keynote speech session, at which 5-6 keynote speakers consisting of academic leaders from NTU and Chinese well-known universities, and senior government officials and corporate leaders from Singapore and China will be invited to give the speech around the central theme. The afternoon session, keynote session II, will feature several prominent alumni of NCPA, who are all university-level leaders, senior officials of government institutions, and corporate leaders, sharing their views and insights on the central theme.
Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, it's almost a cliché to say that it has changed the world. The pandemic has left a lasting imprint on the world economy, causing permanent changes and teaching important lessons. The world must emerge more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable. The developing world was not on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) before the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has pushed millions into extreme poverty and has shrunk government resources available for development. Meeting the SDGs will therefore require extraordinary efforts. Organisations are looking into the implementation of organizational sustainability (OS) in achieving three-dimensional sustainability goals (i.e. economic, social, and environmental). The pandemic has also accelerated and transformed the way we work dramatically, leveraging the proliferation of technology. Technological disruption has displaced occupations, shifted tasks, and created demand for new skills and talent pools to drive exponential growth as we move into the post-pandemic era.