Executive Education Programme (English)

Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA) has over 25 years of experiences in providing Executive Development Programmes (EDP) for senior leaders from governments, universities and corporate world. Our executive development programmes focus on practicality and applicability, drawing from the public administration successes of Singapore over the past five decades.

NCPA has been working closely with and offering these programmes to organisations in Asia and beyond. To date, we have conducted programmes for over 1,000 senior government officials from Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, the Philippines, Malaysia, India and Ukraine. Our experienced faculty work closely to design and deliver customised programmes that tailor to specific training objectives and needs.

Our EDPs offer theme-based customised learning in various areas — public administration and public policy, urban planning and management, infrastructure development, social management, public-private partnership, higher education management and internationalisation development. One of NCPA’s niche research area on the impact of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Singapore’s strategic positioning in linking China with the world are also included in our programmes.


Our EDP programme taps on NCPA’s extensive faculty resources with exceptional expertise and diversity that NTU shares with many different colleges. With an emphasis on practical knowledge and cross-sharing of experiences, our programme invites renowned professors, lecturers and high-profile business leaders and industry experts. 

The faculty includes current and former politicians, as well as senior government officials in Singapore, such as Adjunct Professor Mah Bow Tan, Former Minister for National Development; Adjunct Professor Zainul Abidin Rasheed, former Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs; and Adjunct Professor Ang Hak Seng, Former Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth.


“It has been a valuable opportunity to study Singapore’s experience in anti-corruption strategies and good governance, and it came in perfect timing as Ukraine puts fighting corruption among its top priorities. The visit has proved to be a great success, thanks to your support, as well as the dedication and professionalism of the NCPA team.”

Judge Yevgen Kruk | Deputy Head, High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine (HACC)

“The Executive Development Programme by NTU’s NCPA is a world-class programme for innovation in local governmental organisations. It has enhanced our civil servants’ knowledge and encouraged capability development through learning activities from Singapore’s experiences, which will, in turn, benefit the public. This collaboration programme has created positive impacts on area-based management for our local government in Thailand.”

Prof Orathai Kokpol | Deputy Secretary-General, King Prajadhipok's Institute, Thailand

This training (NTU Executive Training Programme) was organised and timely. It met the needs of our government to build and strengthen human capacity and institutions to promote effective leadership in the public sector. Thus it served as a means to achieving the Royal Government’s objectives on growth, job, equity and effectiveness in Cambodia as set out in the Rectangular Strategy Phase 3.

H.E. Keat Chhon | Permanent Deputy Prime Minister of Cambodia


Official visits to relevant Singapore corporations, industrial parks, government organisations and agencies are an integral part of our programme.  These visits help our participants gain practical knowledge and information through meetings and interactive discussions. 

Exclusive visits to NTU’s very own leading research centres such as the Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N) are organised to learn about NTU’s experiences as a research-intensive public university. 

Participants are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities to interact with government officials and business leaders, exchange views and gain first-hand experiences.

Participants will gain an all-rounded view through interactive lectures, site visits, and active discussions and translate these insights into innovative solutions to solve the ever-complex challenges in their organisations.​​​​