Environmental Chemistry & Materials
- Advanced Oxidation Processes including catalysis for wastewater treatment using lower energy
- Biomimetic membranes for low energy desalination
- Forward Osmosis Membranes for food and beverage
- Nanofiltration for low energy water softening
- Modelling/simulation of natural & engineered systems
- Environmental sensors for monitoring
- Gasification technologies to lower landfill needs
- Recycling of Incinerator Bottom Ash/ Slag
- Conversion of used plastic to valuable resources

"I'm a PhD candidate at NEWRI (Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute), in Advanced Environmental Biotechnology - in the realm of biotechnological processes and environmental engineering. The focus of my research lies in investigating the potential of bacteria and microalgae coculture systems for resource recovery."
Ms Zhang Baorui (Jan 2021 intake)

"IGP is a flagship programme of NTU, offering a conducive environment for interdisciplinary research and flexibility to fulfil graduation requirements. IGP students working in NEWRI have access to its sophisticated analytical facilities and laboratory resources, greatly reducing time and effort. Moreover, NEWRI is full of brilliant researchers working in diverse domains of water, wastewater and solid waste management research. It is an inspiring and enlightening experience to discuss various facets of experimentation with my kind and helpful colleagues in NEWRI. Students have nothing to worry about anything beyond their research/teaching, thanks to the supportive and professional NEWRI staff. My best wishes to the future IGP-NEWRI students! "
Mr Tiwari Satya Brat (Aug 2020 intake)

"NEWRI has truly been instrumental in shaping my research journey on floating solar farms in coastal areas, providing me with exceptional opportunities and unwavering support throughout my PhD program. Over the years, I have had the privilege of conducting extensive experimental studies and in-depth theoretical analysis. The invaluable guidance and suggestions offered by my supervisor, lab mates, and colleagues at NEWRI have played a pivotal role in my research progress, allowing me to remain focused and productive. I am deeply grateful to the NEWRI community for their continuous support, which has propelled me forward in my academic pursuits. The wealth of expertise and knowledge I have acquired through my PhD journey will serve as a strong foundation for my future endeavors in the green energy field."
Dr Bi Cheng (Jan 2019 intake)

"As a graduate of IGP-NEWRI, I had the invaluable opportunity to delve into the field of seawater treatment technologies through my own research endeavors. The IGP program facilitated interactions with individuals from diverse research fields, offering me a profound understanding of the researcher's journey. However, it was my affiliation with NEWRI that truly equipped me with the essential experience, resources, and skills required to conduct my research effectively. The unwavering support and guidance from my peers and friends played a pivotal role in ensuring the success of my research."
Dr Terence Hong

"I have always cared about the water and energy crisis worldwide and it would be great opportunity for me to pursue a higher degree to address these challenges. IGP has provided numerous opportunities for us to interact with researchers, experts and professionals from other discipline and this broadened my horizon and enhanced my expertise in collaborating with them”
Dr Chen Yunfeng, (2013 intake)
"IGP-NEWRI promises something which no schools or organisation can offer and that is the rights of entry to two different research groups and their labs. This provides me the access into their inner workings which exposes me to more learning opportunities. While the learning curve may therefore be steeper, I relish the challenges which greatly increase my research capabilities. I hope that fellow students of IGS can make good use of this platform to not only learn from the group of your main supervisor but broaden your horizon by taking efforts to mingle with the groups of your co-supervisor and mentor to enhance your personal competencies. All the best and may all juniors have an enjoyable PhD journey.”
Dr Goh Kunli, (2012 intake)
"I had the opportunity to carry out my research on a topic which I feel strongly about, which is on converting waste materials into food using microbial fermentation. In my PhD journey I have been able to see how research is done in other countries during a 3 month attachment in a lab in Wageningen University, and been able to present my work at an overseas conference in Brazil. During the past four years, my awesome lab mates have been crucial in helping me overcome my struggles and difficulties in my research. At the moment I intend to stay on as a post-doc in my current research lab."
Dr Jaslyn Lee (2012 intake)
"As IGS-NEWRI student, I was very proud, lucky, happy and appreciated with the four years in IGS-NEWRI. I can say my research process was going more smoothly than expected. During the first year, it looked much tough for me since before I started my PhD study, I worked as a research associate in ocean engineering, which is quite different from my PhD topic. So, I had a lot of fundamental knowledge to learn, in solid mecha nical engineering. Also I tried to be familiar with the software used, and finally master it. I got much confidence in myself when I passed my Qualifying Exam within 12 months and when I published the first journal paper on IPVP, the top journal in my research topic. There are many available resources to use and there are many activities organised by IGP which helped me a lot both in research and leisure time. You just need to be active to widen your vision, be patient and persistent in your research and you will go through all the toughs."
Dr Zhang Yanmei (2012 intake)
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