Travel and Learn Programme: Navigating China's Innovation Landscape

Experience the World, Enhance Your Skills, Build Your Network

China's vast consumer market presents expansion prospects to Singapore businesses. This course aims to delve into the dynamic landscape of innovation in China, focusing on strategies that drive sustainable business growth. China has emerged as a global powerhouse in innovation, and this course provides an in-depth exploration of the key factors contributing to its success.

Learners will acquire knowledge and skills in networking and business expansion in China. They will cultivate a proactive mindset and readiness for China's evolving business landscape. Through seminars, meeting with senior executives, and visits to leading companies, learners will gain firsthand insights into China’s innovation frontier.


  • Analyse the business landscape in China and state how to capitalize it for business expansion.
  • Establish networks and gain valuable insights from experienced entrepreneurs and business owners/senior executives in China.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the business culture in China.
  • Describe the importance of being future-ready and able to apply the knowledge.
  • Describe how data and information can be used effectively
This programme is suitable for Directors, Business leaders and Senior Executives from Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) and Transformation Offices who are keen to learn innovative strategies for sustainable business growth and also to establish business network in China.

Upon completion of the programme, participants who achieved at least 75% attendance and passed all required assessments will be awarded a digital Certification of Completion from NTU and a hard copy certificate of Participation from the esteemed Chinese University.

Course Subsidy for NTU Alumni, Singaporeans, or PR

Programme is eligible for 70% - 90% subsidy off course fee. 

  • 70% subsidy on course fee for Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents
  • 90% subsidy on course fee for Singapore Small & Medium Enterprises employee under Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS) scheme
  • 90% subsidy on course fee for Singapore Citizens aged 40 and above under Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES) scheme.

SSG SkillsFuture Credit

SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) claimable

  • All Singaporeans aged 25 and above will receive an opening credit of $500.
  • All Singaporeans aged 25 and above will receive a one-off SkillsFuture Credit top-up of $500 which will expire on 31 December 2025.
  • A one-off SkillsFuture Credit of $500 will be provided to every Singapore Citizen (SC) aged 40 to 60 for Career Transition Programmes. This credit will expire on 31 December 2025.

NTU Alumni Course Credits

NTU/NIE alumni may utilise their NTU Alumni course credits capped at S$800 for this programme. 

Course Outline

In Singapore

NTU Class of 2020_21

Course Date: 4 March 2025, Tuesday

Synchronous Online

Time: 9am - 12pm

Topic: Innovation & Entreneurship in a Digital Future

NTU One-North

Course Date: 5 March 2025, Wednesday

Venue: NTU@one-north campus
Time: 9am - 5pm
Topic: Innovation & Entrepreneurship in a Digital Future

• The different business types
• The different business models both offline and online business models
• The business innovations in some of the more successful companies
• A method towards finding the right business innovation and model for a
• One hour assessment at the end of the course.
• Pre-trip Briefing

(Compulsory attendance for participants to be eligible for SSG funding.)


Professor Wai Fong Boh

Vice President (Lifelong Learning & Alumni Engagement), Chief Executive, Centre for Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE@NTU)

Professor Wai Fong received her PhD from the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University. Her research interests are in the areas of innovation and technology management. She has published in leading journals, including Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, etc. She is currently Senior Editor of MIS Quarterly, and has been previously AE for Management Science and ISR. Further, she is currently on or had been previously on the editorial board of multiple leading Information Systems journals.

She was recently awarded Singapore’s Public Administration Medal (Silver) and published a book on Identifying Business Opportunities through Innovation. In 2023, she received the Association of Information Systems (AIS) Fellow Award and AIS Sandra Slaughter Service Award.

In Beijing, China

The classroom sessions and industry visits will be led and guided by a prestigious university in Beijing, China.

Day 1: 10 March 2025, Monday

Topic: Industrial Innovation and Corporate Strategy in the Digital Economy Era

On-site Learning: Application of Smart Logistics and Green Logistics
Corporate visit to a leading logistics park - (京东物流)

Networking session, discussion with senior executives from China.


Day 2: 11 March 2025, Tuesday

Topic: Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing 工业4.0与智能制造

On-site Learning: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Visit to an innovation centre - Lenovo Future Centre (联想未来中心)

Networking session, discussion with senior executives from China.


Day 3: 12 March 2025, Wednesday

Topic: Big data, Cloud Computing and Future Industrial Development 大数据、云计算与未来产业发展

On-site Learning: Technological advances and Industry Applications of Large Models
Visit to a top AI company: iFlytek (科大讯飞)

Zhongguancun Park

Day 4: 13 March 2025, Thursday

Topic: Investment and Financing in China and Path Analysis 在华投融资与路径分析

On-site Learning: Operational Experience of Leading Chinese Technology Parks
Visit to a science & technology park: Zhongguancun Software Park (中关村软件园)

Daxing International Hydrogen

Day 5: 14 March 2025, Friday

Topic: Green Economy and Sustainable Development 绿色经济与可持续发展

On-site Learning: Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection, New Energy Technology.
Visit to a manufacturer of renewable energy: Daxing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone (大兴国际氢能示范区)

Discussion on the Key Takeaways from the Programme

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  • Learners should have an understanding of Mandarin.
  • Programme schedule and itineraries are subject to availability and changes. Participants to arrange and purchase own air-ticket,  travel insurance, and VISA (if required).
  • 4-star hotel accommodation will be arranged by NTU. The cost is partially funded by SSG and each participant will have to co-pay SGD 420 + 9% GST= SGD 457.80 for 6 nights stay.)