National Silver Academy Courses

The National Silver Academy (NSA) subsidy aims to encourage and support seniors in lifelong learning by broadening the learning options and breaking down barriers to provide affordable learning.

Courses supported by NSA are in areas which are more life-skills-oriented. Participant at the age of 50 and above during the year of course ​​can enjoy up to 50% of course fee subsidy, subject to a maximum of $500 per course. 

PaCE@NTU offers a range of short courses for Seniors (aged 50 and above). These courses include life-skills-oriented, and/or work-skills-related topics. Click here to view FAQs.

    FAQs (Short Courses)

    Course Eligibility and Registration

    Can I register for more than one course at a time?

    Yes, you may however, there are several things to note:

    • You would need to ensure there is no conflict in course schedule.
    • You would need to be able to manage the course workload. 
    • For Singaporean seniors (aged 50 years and above in the year the course starts), you will receive 50% off course fees, subject to a maximum of $500 per course. But this is only for up to three courses per institution per calendar year. After which, if you decide to sign up for a fourth course at the same institution, you will have to pay the full amount for that fourth course.  

    Are the courses meant only for seniors?

    No, these are existing courses drawn from our list of programs that are opened to the public.

    When does registration open and close?

    Registration will close 2 weeks before the individual course start date.


    When will I be notified if I have secured a place?

    2 weeks before the individual course start date

    Are places allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis?

    Yes, subject to the maximum class size which varies for different courses.

    Are there minimum entry requirements for your courses?

    Yes, participant should be conversant in English and have basic knowledge of using a computer.   

    Will there be a wait list?

    1. Yes, applicants in the waitlist will only be offered a place if vacancies arise.

    Payment and Refunds

    How do I make payment?

    • Credit Card (Visa, American Express and Mastercard only)
    • Cheque made payable to Nanyang Technological University
    • Invoice to Company (for Company Sponsored Participants)
    • E-invoice (for Government Organizations)
    • Telegraphic Transfer or Bank Draft (Note: All related charges are to be borne by participant)

    Are there other fees payable on top of the course fee?

    There are no other hidden course fees.

    Will there be refunds if I withdraw from the course after payment?

    Full refunds will be given if participant send a written notification to before the closing date, which is 2 weeks before the course start date. 

    I am a returning participant and have done courses here in the last three years. Can I get an alumni discount on top of the NSA subsidies?

    No. There are no further discounts for NSA-subsidised courses. Seniors may however utilize their SkillsFuture Credits to pay for SkillsFuture Credit-eligible courses.  ​

    Other Matters

    Will there be a replacement lesson if I miss a lesson?

    There will be no replacement lesson if any lessons are missed. 

    Will I get a certificate after taking the course?

    Yes, a certificate of completion would be given to participant who complete the course. 

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