Partnering with the Singapore Ministry of Home Affairs
Published on: 25-Jul-2016
Singapore’s Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) announced its National Cybercrime Action Plan (NCAP) today. This plan sets out the Government’s key principles, priorities, and plans for combating cybercrime. The key priorities include the enhancement of cybercrime investigation and forensics capabilities by making use of the latest technology, and fostering strong partnerships between industry, institutes of higher learning (IHLs), the public and law enforcement to collectively create a safe and secure environment.
In particular, the MHA and Singapore Police Force (SPF) is partnering local research institutes to develop new crime investigation and forensic capabilities. In the area of Video Trawling & Analytics, the SPF has partnered the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) to develop deep learning capabilities to enhance object detection and recognition, including the detection and recognition of everyday objects (such as caps, backpacks and car models), as well as person re-identification, anomaly detection, and action recognition. The ROSE Lab is actively involved in the development and evaluation of such technologies for the MHA and SPF.
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