<Inspiring Ideas Webinar Series> The Future of Additive Manufacturing – Grand Challenges

Inspiring Ideas Webinar Series
The monthly thematic seminars aim to cover the different aspects of Additive Manufacturing (AM), drawing insights from global academic and industry thought-leaders to generate discussion and action on the advancement of AM technology and its integration into the emerging suite of Industry 4.0 digital technologies.
The Future of Manufacturing – Grand Challenges
What does it take for AM to move beyond? This webinar will continue to explore the grand challenges of AM as a sunrise industry and its potential for growth. There will be two talks followed by a panel discussion. The panel discussion will be moderated by Prof Paulo Bartolo, SC3DP Executive Director.
Professor Christopher Tuck
Chris gained his BEng (Hons) in Materials Science and Engineering from Brunel University in 1998 before going on to complete an Engineering Doctorate (EngD) with the Sensors and Composites Group at Cranfield University in Novel Manufacturing Methods of Optical Fibre Sensors. During his EngD Chris also undertook the part of the Cranfield Executive MBA programme as part of his four year course. Chris joined the Additive Manufacturing (AM) Research Group at Loughborough University in 2003 and became Lecturer in Innovative Design and Manufacturing in 2008 Chris became a at Loughborough University and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2011. In 2016 Chris became a Professor of Materials Engineering in the University of Nottingham's Faculty of Engineering. Chris is Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing, a training and research programme for 66 PhD students co-sponsored by industry. Chris has been an Executive Member of the ASTM F42 AM standards committee and a participant in the BSi initiative of AM standards development. Chris is a regular presenter at international conferences, a panel member for EPSRC and a reviewer for European and US funding agencies including NASA. Chris is also a reviewer for numerous international journals in the fields of Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing materials, business and socio-economic aspects as well as optical sensor systems and methods. In 2018 Chris was appointed Faculty Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange in the Faculty of Engineering.
Mr Guillaume Mohara
Today, Guillaume is responsible for multiple cross-functional projects on most major metal AM processes (EBM, LPBF, MBJ, wire-DED and hybrid processes), aiming to demonstrate industrial relevance and increase the maturity of these technologies.