Published on 09 May 2024

SC3DP Seminar: Professor Raphael Scharfmann explores the path of Pancreatic Endocrine Cell Development


On May 9, 2024, SC3DP hosted a captivating seminar led by Professor Raphael Scharfmann from University Paris-Cité, France, delving into the intricate journey of Pancreatic Endocrine Cell Development from Rodent to Human. Attendees were immersed in an exploration of various aspects, including understanding the culture of fetal pancreases to study beta cell development in rodents, assays utilizing transplantation and FACS to dissect pancreas development in humans, and the role of alpha cells in beta cell function. Additionally, innovative approaches to generate functional human beta cell lines and their study in pathophysiological conditions were discussed. It was an enlightening session that offered invaluable insights into the complex world of pancreatic endocrine cell development.