SCALE@NTU Research Seminar Nov 2022

This research seminar is organized by Singtel Cognitive and Artificial Intelligence Lab for Enterprises (SCALE@NTU). For registration, please visit:
Abstract : In this talk I will introduce our attempt to use geospatial data to improve people’s life quality and cities’ liveability. We focus on four typical beneficial domains (i.e., House Seeking, Site Selection, Transport Optimization, and Trip Planning) and three typical forms of geospatial objects (i.e., points of interest, areas of interest, and trajectories), with the mission of delivering real value, both as insights to non-technical decision-makers and as benefits to society. For each domain and data type above, I will first give an overview of our efforts, followed by a zoom-in to elaborate typical research questions inspired from our system prototype building. These research questions include but not limit to visualized geolocated data exploration, spatial object recommendation with hints, incremental user preference adjustment, rank aggregation query over streaming spatial objects, trajectory-driven site selection, traffic pattern identification, and trip planning. Last, I will outline some ongoing work if time allows.
Speaker : Zhifeng Bao is a Professor at RMIT University and an Honorary Senior Fellow at The University of Melbourne. Currently, he co-directs the RMIT Centre for Information Discovery and Data Analytics. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science at National University of Singapore. He has made continuous contributions to big data management and mining, specifically on query optimization, data cleaning, data exploration and spatial database system. He is interested in designing efficient and scalable algorithms of practicality while holding non-trivial theoretical guarantees. In 2020, he received the Chris Wallace Award for Outstanding Research, awarded by The Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia. He has also received the Google Faculty Research Award twice and the Outstanding Associate Editor award of PVLDB. He has served the Associate Editor of PVLDB, SIGMOD and ACM TSAS. A range of urban data analytics system demos developed by his team are accessible via