Published on 01 Dec 2019

SCALE@NTU Featured in National AI Strategy

Singapore's "National AI Strategy" was announced by Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat on 13 Nov 2019. The new strategy maps out how Singapore will develop and use AI to transform the economy and improve peoples' lives.

To build a vibrant and sustainable AI ecosystem to anchor AI innovation and adoption across the economy, one of the key thrusts is to drive partnerships between the research community and industry. This will enable the research community to gain access to relevant data and sharpen their focus on market needs, as well as benefit industry with the research innovations and having access to the pipeline of research talent.

Currently there are more than 15 AI public-private partnerships and joint labs in Singapore to support the commercialisation of AI technologies. SCALE@NTU is featured as a key AI joint lab in the National AI Strategy.

SCALE@NTU is featured in National AI Strategy as a key AI joint lab

More information can be found here.