SGUnited Tranieeships / SGUnited Jobs in SCALE@NTU
To help jobseekers affected by the disruptions caused by the pandemic and grow their skillsets for the future, Singapore government has launched various Schemes such as SGUnited Jobs (SGUJ), SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme (SGUP) and SGUnited Traineeships (SGUT). Singtel Cognitive and Artificial Intelligence Lab for Enterprises (SCALE@NTU) has been engaging a number of candidates, either fresh graduates or mid-career individuals, for training in AI and data science under these schemes.
The candidates have developed excellent learning capabilities and strong experience in their respective areas. While coming from different backgrounds, they all showed great passion for AI and data science and are motivated to further explore and learn in the domain.
In SCALE@NTU, the candidates will be working closely with our professors, researchers and industry partners on industry collaboration projects. Some of them will have the opportunity of industry attachment with Singtel/NCS. The structured training will help them to sharpen their skills and gain valuable industry-relevant experience. We believe they will contribute to the R&D in SCALE@NTU as well as increase their competency for more job opportunities in the future. As one of our missions, we hope to nurture more talents in the emerging sector of AI and data science to be ready for new challenges and contribute to the nation’s development.