Undergraduates read both Philosophy and Chinese, benefiting from the expertise and resources of both programmes. 

The Philosophy curriculum allows students to explore, in a rigorous, systematic, and critical manner, fundamental problems about the nature of knowledge, reality, existence, mind, language, science, and morality. The curriculum includes a solid foundation in both eastern and western traditions of philosophy, and prepares students for the application of philosophy to the challenges of modern society. Graduates will be equipped with the ability to critically analyze complex concepts and arguments, the ability to argue logically and effectively, to express themselves clearly, along with grounding in a diversity of intellectual traditions. 

For Chinese, students will study both classical and modern Chinese literature, a deeper understanding of Chinese language, and a broader perspective on Modern China and the Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia. The curriculum aims to equip students with multidisciplinary research skills and bilingual capabilities.

To graduate, students must complete three (3) categories of requirement, totalling at least 138 Academic Units (AUs):

programme structure

*Students who are eligible to do the FYP will be strongly encouraged to do an inter-major FYP.  Students whose GPAs fall in a certain range can choose whether or not to do the FYP. Students who do not do the FYP must clear 8 AUs of PEs (two 4000-level courses, one from each discipline) within the double major.

Please click here to view the curriculum for Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Double Major - Philosophy and Chinese.