Hong Kong Literature and Cultural Dialogue in a Global Perspective 香港文学与全球视野中的文化辩证

Chinese - 2024-11-22
22 Nov 2024 03.30 PM - 05.00 PM Zoom Alumni, Current Students, Industry/Academic Partners, Prospective Students, Public

香港文学与全球视野中的文化辩证 Kong Literature and Cultural Dialogue in a Global Perspective


In reflecting on the issue of cultural transgression, the renowned Hong Kong poet Yasi (Professor Leung Ping-kwan) posed the following question: “What factors influence an individual's decision to leave their cultural identity and adopt another, and what emotional experiences do they encounter when seeking to identify with aspects of another culture?” This lecture will examine two cases of literary translation studies in Hong Kong from different historical periods. It will investigate the cross-cultural interactions between literary creation and translation, the positioning of Hong Kong literature in a global context, and its role in the evolution of modern Chinese literature. By leveraging Hong Kong’s unique position as a “double other” to both Western and Chinese cultures, situated between Europe and Mainland China, we will examine the evolving boundaries of national, foreign, and even world literature.

邝可怡,法国巴黎-索邦大学法国文学及比较文学系博士,现任香港中文大学中国语言及文学系教授,曾任法国巴黎人文科学研究中心(FMSH)访问教授及研究员丶中央研究院文哲研究所访问学者。著有Du Langage au silence: L’évolution de la critique littéraire au XXème siècle丶《黑暗的明灯:中国现代派与欧洲左翼文艺》丶《互为东西:中国现当代文学的跨文化对话》;编校《战火下的诗情:抗日战争时期戴望舒在港的文学翻译》及《跨越欧亚:香港报刊抗战文艺资料翻译与选辑(1937-1945)》。

Connie Ho-yee Kwong, Ph.D. in French and Comparative Literature from the University of Paris-Sorbonne, is currently a Professor in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has served as a Visiting Professor-researcher at the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme in Paris and Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica. Her scholarly work includes Du Langage au silence, Fanal Obscur, and Shuttling between East and West. She has also edited volumes such as Dai Wangshu’s Literary Translations in Hong Kong during the Second Sino-Japanese War and Across Eurasia: Translation and Selection of Resistance Literature from Hong Kong Newspapers (1937-1945).