About Us

SPIRIT - exterior

Centre for Smart Platform Research on Integrative Technology (SPIRIT)

SPIRIT is a Singapore Government funded R&D centre located at Nanyang Technological University.

SPIRIT performs translational research on complex technical problems faced by Smart Nation deployments, serving as a testbed for rapid application prototyping.

We are located at

  SPIRIT Centre
  61 Nanyang Drive
  Singapore 637335

Registration for SPIRITCYBER-24 has closed.

Our Research

AI and Data Science

NLP and Document Analytics

Cyber Physical Systems & OT/IoT


DLT & Blockchain


To better understand our threat landscape and real-world deployment vulnerabilities of Smart Nation IoT devices, we are organising a series of IoT-themed hackathon events “SPIRITCYBER” as part of this learning journey.

Series 1 Year 2022 : We successfully hosted our inaugural hackathon at NTU Nanyang Campus Clubhouse. Held over two days, 14 teams from various Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) were challenged to detect vulnerabilities in common smart home IoT devices and then perform exploits on them. Industry experts from different cyber domains were also invited to share their experiences with the students.

Series 2 Year 2023 : The 2nd iteration of our hackathon and the first time we were conducting this at SICW (Singapore International Cyber Week). Experienced local Red Teams from industry, CII, and government entities were invited to take part in a 3-day cyber exercise to help us discover cyber weaknesses in our mimic in-house Smart Nation cyber-physical system. This hackathon featured two different challenges, with the first segment focusing on exploiting consumer IoT devices, and the second on attacking an enterprise-grade Smart Lamp Post. There were 11 teams duking it out to reach the top three!

Series 3 Year 2024 : This year, participants will be given a chance to showcase their skills in three exciting categories that mimic different smart cities deployments i.e. Smart Lamp Post, Autonomous Robot and Smart Homes.  For more information, please visit our event website at https://event.ntu.edu.sg/SPIRITCYBER-24.