Published on 28 Jun 2024

2024 International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) Conference

NTU Student Share

"Last week, I had the great privilege of representing Nanyang Technological University Singapore at the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD Org) Conference in Portugal. It was an enriching experience to have attended academic talks to hear about the latest advancements in Developmental Psychology. I engaged in fruitful discussions with researchers from around the globe and expanded my understanding of the field.

A highlight of the conference was presenting my URECA 2023 research poster titled "Impacts of Child Gender on Parents' Conversational Dominance". This project was a collaborative effort supported by the Early Cognition Lab and guided by my mentors, Associate Professor Peipei Setoh, Dr Mioko Sudo, and Ms Sharon Ting.

I am thankful for this incredible opportunity and the valuable connections I've made. This experience has motivated me to delve into diverse research areas within Developmental Psychology, aligning with my career aspirations in Forensic Psychology. Specifically, I am eager to explore topics such as the effects of child maltreatment on outcomes such as youth delinquency, child aggression, and the development of Oppositional Defiant Disorder."La-Mia Crinis, Year 3,
Psychology Undergraduate


The 2024 International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, united developmentalists worldwide to share groundbreaking research, discuss current trends, and explore new directions in the field. SSS@NTU is proud to see NTU Psychology shine as our faculty member Assoc Prof Peipei Setoh, postgraduate students, and undergraduates presented innovative research and engaged in insightful discussions on parenting and culture.