Published on 11 Jun 2024

Many Singaporeans on the fence about LGBTQ issues: Ipsos survey

NTU Expert Comment: The Straits Times, 11 June 2024, page A14

More Singaporeans support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) rights than oppose them, but a significant number remain undecided on such issues, a survey by market research firm Ipsos has found. In particular, people are on the fence about issues relating to how prominent these individuals are in everyday life. NTU Assistant professor of sociology Shannon Ang noted the ambiguity in the survey findings. He pointed out that while only a small proportion of people show visible support for the LGBTQ community, such as by attending a public event, a much larger proportion show acceptance of LGBTQ rights – for instance, agreeing that same-sex couples should be able to have a legally recognised union and adopt children.

Read the article here.