Published on 10 Jul 2024

Op-ed: When tackling mental health, consider your diet, too

NTU Expert Comment: The Straits Times and online, 10 July 2024

In an op-ed, Dr Keri Matwick, who studies food media discourse and is a senior lecturer at NTU’s SOH and her twin sister, Dr Kelsi Matwick, adjunct lecturer at the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida, discussed the link between food and physical health, while also highlighting how NTU research has shown that there is a strong connection between your food and your mood. For example, criminology assistant professor Olivia Choy at NTU’s SSS found that low Omega-3 and vitamin D levels are linked to increased aggression. Prof Choy’s research found that dietary supplements containing Omega-3 fatty acids may be a promising method to reduce antisocial behaviour, including violent offending. “The key is to make diet a part of the conversation regarding mental health, so there is a greater awareness and consideration of what we eat and how it affects us. Eating healthy foods improves your mood and ultimately enhances your life quality,” they wrote.

Click here to read article.

- Initiated by CCO.