Published on 21 Jun 2024

SSS@NTU Professors Awarded Grants, Funding and Fellowship

Dear Colleagues,

Associate Professor Xu Hong was recently awarded a Digital Trust Centre Research Grant as Co-Investigator for a project on “Evaluating, Detecting, and Mitigating the Risks of Diffusion Models for Fair, Robust, and Toxic Content-Free Generative AI. The PI for this project is Associate Professor Kong Wai Kin Adams from the School of Computer Science and Engineering.

Associate Professor Ringo Ho has received funding by the Ministry of Education Science of Learning (MOE SoL) Grant to study “Enhancing Learning and Transfer of Digital Literacy in Adulty Learners.” This project will be hosted in NTU’s Ageing Research Institute for Society and Education (ARISE) Centre.

 Assistant Professor Tan Chin Hong has secured a Social Science and Humanities Research Fellowship for a project on “Sociomental Health for Neurocognitive Resilience: An Intergenerational Study.

 Well done, Hong, Ringo, and Chin Hong!

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