Programme Overview

Students may opt to pursue either of the two specializations in this Masters programme, namely Museum Studies or Curatorial Practices. They may also opt to blend the two subjects into a cumulative learning experience.

Course Structure

To graduate, students have to earn a total of 30 Academic Units (AUs). The course structure is as follows:​ 

  • 4 core courses;

  • 2 prescribed electives;

  • 2 electives ; and
    Internship track: Completion of a 10-week professional attachment at art institutions based in Singapore or in the region. The student is required to submit a 5000-word report after the attachment
    Dissertation track: Completion of a 12, 000 – 15, 000 word research thesis on a subject approved by the School.

Curriculum (for full-time students)

Semester​​​FromTo​Courses to Complete​
​Semester 1
13 weeks
​August​November​2 Cores
1-2 prescribed electives 
1-2 electives
​Semester 2
13 weeks
​January​April​2 Cores 
1-2 prescribed electives 
1-2 electives
​Special Term
10 weeks​

Course Descriptions

  • AP6001 Introduction to Museum Studies​
  • AP6002 Introduction to Curatorial Practices
  • AP6003 Academic Skills, Research Methodologies, and Writing
  • AP6004 Histories of Arts in Southeast Asia
  • AP6101 Collections, Care, Management
  • AP6102 Exhibition Design in the Context of Museums
  • AP6103 Exhibition Histories and Curatorial Narratives
  • AP6104 Art in Public Space and Critical Spatial Practice
  • AP6105 Curatorship
  • AP6106 Spaces of the Curatorial

Note that only a selected number of Electives will be offered per academic year.

  • AP6201 Global Art Histories
  • AP6203 From Colonial to Post-Colonial Art: A Critical Survey
  • AP6204 Education and Outreach
  • AP6205 Curating Time-based Media
  • AP6206 Planning and Designing Exhibitions for Art Galleries and Public Spaces

Study Track

Students are to opt between either the Internship or Thesis Track

The professional attachment offers students a 10-week professional training – similar to an internship - in one of the many and diverse Singaporean galleries, museums, research centres, with which ADM is collaborating (and overseas). The student is required to submit a 5000-word report based on a topic agreed upon with the mentor from the host institute.

The dissertation is a researched, clearly written, well-structured exploration of an agreed subject, prepared according to University Regulations and established academic conventions of referencing and presentation. It may be based on original primary source research or aim to re-interpret established facets of a given subject: all will utilise relevant material brought to bear on a clearly defined issue. A relevant supervisor will be appointed to navigate all students through the thesis.