NTU CN Yang Scholars Alumni Association
The CN Yang Scholars Alumni Association (CNYAA) seeks to bring the different batches of CN Yang Scholars together to form a network of young and dynamic intellectuals from diverse industries. Through exciting events and activities, new friendships are formed while old bonds are strengthened. CNYAA provides a platform for support and camaraderie in the closely knitted CN Yang family.

NTU CN Yang Scholars Alumni Association
Mr Yeoh Kirk Ming
c/o Office of Alumni Engagement, Nanyang Technological University
76 Nanyang Drive, N2.1-B3-02, Singapore 637331
[email protected]
Mr Yeoh Kirk Ming
c/o Office of Alumni Engagement, Nanyang Technological University
76 Nanyang Drive, N2.1-B3-02, Singapore 637331
[email protected]