About Us

​Singapore is among one of the world’s fastest ageing countries. Due to the increasing longevity and declining birth rates, it is projected that by 2030, the number of elderly citizens will be tripled to almost one in four Singaporean residents over the age of 65. This huge expansion in the population of older adults’ reflect an increasing strain on the current institution-centric eldercare system and society. Health expenses due to age-related diseases are expected to increase with the expanding population of older adults, while economic productivity is predicted to experience a downturn due to decreasing labour pool. There is, hence, an exigency in making efforts to develop a set of strategies that will advance the development, acceptance and adoption of technologies that enhance the independence, health and quality of life of the growing older population. 

To promote independence, health and quality of life of the growing older population, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has established the Ageing Research Institute for Society and Education (ARISE) to support multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary ageing-related research, programmes and activities. ARISE primarily focuses on (i) Ageing Medicine; (ii) Social Integration and Education; (iii) Ageing-in-Place; and (iv) Care & Lifestyle Enhancement. ARISE’s role is to act as a strategic functioning body that co-ordinates to engage and integrate the efforts of the research institutes, centres, colleges and schools across NTU that focuses on ageing population.

ARISE’s role is to act as a coordinating body to engage and integrate the efforts of the research institutes, centres, colleges and schools across NTU. 

The vision of ARISE is to empower the ageing community and improve the quality of life. The mission is to pursue elderly-friendly, innovative solutions to ageing-related issues by harnessing its strengths in technology and engineering.