I-SING 2024 International Singapore Intergenerational Games 2024

05 Dec 2024 Industry/Academic Partners, Public

The Singapore Intergenerational National Games (SING) is a community-tested programme designed to engage older adults with exergaming technology, promoting active and healthy aging in line with Healthier SG's initiatives. In 2016, a research team from the Centre for Healthy and Sustainable Cities (CHESS), Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, funded by A*STAR, introduced the SING program in collaboration with Senior Activity Centres (SACs) in Singapore. Over the years, the program underwent three iterations, and SING became a pioneering exergaming competition for older adults, promoting digital inclusion and sports through intergenerational exergames, engaging nearly 1,000 older adults from 30 SACs. In 2018, international institutions from Finland, France, Japan, and Taiwan participated in and attended the event under the International-Singapore Intergenerational National Games (I-SING) banner.

Promoted by ARISE, I-SING received funding support from the Global Elderly Active Research (GEAR) donor in December 2022 to restart the I-SING programme as the country emerges from the COVID-19 situation. I-SING restarted the research programme on April 1, 2023, and will continue until March 31, 2026, aiming to further involve the Active Ageing Centres (formerly known as SACs) in Singapore, along with other international collaborators.

I-SING has been selected for the Agency of Integrated Care (AIC) whitelisted programme, a recognition of the program's trustworthiness and quality. This means that in 2024 and onwards, I-SING is approved to run its programme with more than 200 Active Ageing Centres (AAC) network under AIC, a significant achievement for our programme. Additionally, the I-SING programme offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Intergenerational connection, where elderlies attending the program will learn to use technology familiar to their grandchildren, bridging the gap between generations.
  • Fun and safe learning environment in which activities are conducted in a safe and enjoyable setting, promoting a positive experience for all participants.
  • Evidence-informed programme where the programme is grounded in evidence, ensuring effective and impactful outcomes for seniors.