Emergency Preparedness
Emergency situations can happen anytime and anywhere. The most important thing to remember is to remain calm and focus which can help to alleviate the situation and allow better decisions to be made.
The ASE-EOS ERT-ECT team and Emergency Response Plan are in the link below:
Emergency Contacts
Emergency Response Plan
If you spot an Emergency
- Call NTU's 24H Emergency Hotline @ 6790 5200
- Find the nearest call point and break it to alert everyone in the building
- Call the Safety Officer @ 6908 1144
- DO NOT call Campus Fault Report (6790 4777)
If case of an Emergency
- Prepare for evacuation when you hear the first alarm (<3min)
- Evacuate IMMEDIATELY at the 2nd alarm (continuous ringing) via the nearest safe exit/staircase
- DO NOT use the elevators
- Call PWD’s Custodian @ 6908 3484 if require assistance to evacuate
ASE-EOS Assembly Area
Assembly Area for N2, N2-Annex, N1.1 and N1.3

First Aid and AED
- Call ASE-EOS First Aid Team
- Get the first aid kit/ AED and start simple first aid if trained to do so or render help in first aid with the first aid team
- Send the injured to NTU Health Centre or call Campus Security to send in an ambulance if needed
Lab Accidents
ASE-EOS have laboratories dealing with chemicals, biological agents, and radioactive equipment. As such, caution must be taken while in the laboratories. In addition, all Lab Managers must ensure that people working in their laboratories have undergo all the necessary safety training before they can start work.
Laboratory users should familiarise themselves with the locations of the emergency eyewashes and showers, first aid kits, spill kits and fire-fighting equipment in their laboratories. These are important safety and life-saving equipment, and users are expected to have basic knowledge of how to use emergency equipment safely and responsibly.
For any laboratory accidents that have occurred, the Safety Officer must be contacted.
Field Accidents
Field work can be dangerous, and caution must be taken in ensuring that all risks and hazards have been considered and steps have been taken to minimize risks. Principal Investigators (PI) and Fieldwork Leaders are to ensure that relevant safety documents such as emergency plan (EP) and risk assessments are available for all field programs.
In addition, all field trips are expected to have at least one such person (or at least be trained and has valid certifications in first aid) to ensure emergency first aid is available in the field.
Please contact the Safety Officer if there are any fieldwork accidents.
Incident Reporting & Investigation
Any accidents, incident unsafe acts or near-misses should also be reported immediately so that proper investigation can be done, and any rectifications or remedy actions can be made early to prevent such events from happening.
Everyone, including contractors and vendors fill out the NTU Incident Investigation Reporting Form should an incident happened while in ASE-EOS premises. This will aid in the understanding of the event and allow corrective and prevention actions to be recommended and implemented.
In addition, this incident reporting table provides an overview to accidents / incidents which MUST be reported as dictated by the law.