Academic Services

ATM Related Courses

at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

MA4705 – Aircraft Navigation and Flight Computers

This course aims to introduce to students basic concepts of aircraft navigation systems, and various instruments and sensors used for aircraft navigation and flight control, methods of processing the navigation data, flight computers, avionics and issues related to flight hardware and software implementation for autopilot systems. The course will cover topics such as Introduction to Signal and Processes; Radio and Inertial Navigation; Basics of Navigation Data Processing; Fundamental and Trend of Flight Computers and Flight Control Systems.

MA4880 - Airport Operations and Systems

This course aims to introduce airport operations and airport systems to undergraduate mechanical & aerospace engineering students. This course is designed for you to understand how airports function, are designed and planned. The course will cover fundamental concepts in airport operation for both air side (runway, taxiway, navigation aids) well as ground side (design of terminals and passenger buildings). The course will also cover system aspects of airport development such as capacity modelling, demand modelling and delay analysis. The course assumes that you would need to deal with current issues as well as future challenges in airport planning, design, and management. It focuses on the actual problems that arises and on practical, effective ways of dealing with them. The course will cover three important aspects of an airport: 1) planning the airport system, 2) aircraft runway performance, and 3) analysis methods used in airport modelling.  The course will cover topics such as Introduction to Signal and Processes; Radio and Inertial Navigation; Basics of Navigation Data Processing; Fundamental and Trend of Flight Computers and Flight Control Systems.

MA4881 - Air Traffic Management

This course aims to introduce you to Air Traffic Management (ATM). The course will cover fundamental concepts in ATM such as communication, navigation and surveillance as well as Air Traffic Control operations and procedures. The course will also introduce the role of airports and impact of weather in ATM. You will learn about environmental impact of aviation and human factor issues in air traffic. Advanced ATM concepts and future air traffic research programs i.e. SESAR and NextGen will also be introduced. The course also aims to deliver hands-on-simulation of control tower and approach radar. You will learn about quantitative modelling of Air Traffic Control (ATC) problems and will also do a field visit. The course will highlight the important role Singapore plays in the Asia-Pacific region’s air traffic management and the future challenges to the regional air transportation.

M6932 - The Fundamentals of Air Traffic Control

An elective course under MSc (Systems and Project Management) Programme in MAE. The course will be covered in 39 hours across 13 weekly lectures of 3 hours each. This course addresses the fundamentals of air traffic control (ATC), which is the most crucial and essential element in daily air traffic operations and in understanding the complex interdependencies of air traffic management.

More information can be found here.

PhD Scholarships

To further build up the human capital in ATM supporting the Singapore aviation community, a talent development programme for research in ATM was established to strengthen three main aspects of human capital development, namely:

  • Skills in research targeting innovations in air transportation.
  • Platform for breakthrough innovations that comprise the research environment, the scientific spirit and entrepreneurial perspective.
  • Expertise in nurturing innovation and entrepreneurship for air transportation sector.

The programme comprises two PhD scholarship tracks, namely ATM Leaders Track and ATM Innovation Track for potential PhD students who are interested to embark on research studies in ATM.


PhD Scholarships

ATM Leaders Track

The ATM Leaders track emphasises on research leadership and entrepreneurship.  It is designed to develop Singaporeans to be the future scientific leaders and entrepreneurs in ATM.  The students will work on research problems to generate and develop novel concepts and solutions with future applications and services in mind.  The PhD award is for four years in which students will be required to undertake a full-time PhD research course in ATM with the option of embarking on a Master programme of his choice (possibly an MBA or Master in Technology Innovation from NTU).  For those who opt for the Master programme, the award would be for five years.

ATM Innovation Track

The ATM Innovation track seeks to foster deep ATM specialised knowledge and develop new concepts in ATM.  PhD scholarships will be funded by NTU for a period of 4 years.  The scholarship terms and conditions would be based on NTU Research Student Scholarship (RSS) Scheme.  Students are free to propose or embark in areas of academic interest within the ambit of ATMRI's strategic thrusts.  Students will be required to undertake a full -time PhD research course.

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Final Year Projects

Undergraduate students have taken up ATM-related topics as their Final Year Projects (FYP) since AY14/15.  This forms part of the initiatives to instill and develop interests in ATM among the students.


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