Discover some of the research projects at ATMRI
The project aims to build a bundle of machine learning algorithms for air traffic conflicts detection and resolution. These algorithms are expected to make use of historical air traffic data to produce explainable predictive models as parts of a decision support system for air traffic control.
This project addresses emerging issues that arise from the creation of safe, beneficial, and trusted AI-ATCO systems for ATM. These issues include AI trust, resilience, safety, transparency, and human performance. To tackle the issues, we investigate and develop practical AI-ATCO teaming frameworks by bringing together principled theories from neuroscience, neuro-inspired AI, and explainable AI. By a better understanding of intelligence from both ATCO and AI aspects, our project can establish confidence in AI-enabled technologies for ATCO.
This project investigate the operational feasibility of the Free Route Airspace concept in the region. In an initial phase of the study, we quantify the number of potential conflicts as well as the size of their clusters, using a fast-time simulator.
Under the LR-ATFM concept, long-range international flights will be assigned Target Time Overs (TTOs) over a waypoint (TTO-fix) well in advance to absorb the delay in the en-route phase of flight, where delay absorption is more efficient compared to terminal delay options.
This project monitors the neuro-visual situation awareness of the ATCO. The data is captured in real time with the ATCO performing various tactical monitoring tasks and the results analysed.