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Digital Transformation and Leadership Programme

Course Provider

Nanyang Business School


Continuing Education and Training Certificate


Are you ready to lead in the era of disruption?

As Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and other professionals progress in their careers, it is essential for them to acquire skills in innovation management, strategic thinking, agile leadership, and communication. By complementing your technical expertise with these in-demand skills, you will be better prepared for more senior leadership roles in your career.

Embrace the future of work with our Digital Transformation and Leadership Programme designed to empower leaders like you with the necessary skills to navigate the fast-paced world of disruptive technologies, innovation, business, and digital transformation.

Delivered by Nanyang Business School’s distinguished faculty, who also teach our highly ranked MBA and EMBA programmes, this executive leadership programme will empower you to be more strategic, innovative and agile so you can lead your teams to overcome challenges and identify new opportunities in this age of digital economy.

Click here for the course outline, dates, fees and SkillsFuture Singapore Funding

Through this leadership and management development programme, you will acquire competencies in three main areas:

Development SkillLeading Innovation

  • Overview of Industry 4.0 Trends and Technologies (including Internet of Things)
  • Disruptive Technology, Strategy and Business Transformation
  • Design Thinking for Innovation and New Opportunities

Business GrowthLeading Business

  • Business Finance for Decision Making
  • Business Insights and Data-driven Decisions
  • Generative AI and Machine Learning for Leaders


Strategic ThinkingLeading People

  • Agile Leadership in the age of Disruption
  • Leading and Managing Change
  • Managing Dilemmas in Decision Making
  • EQ and Communication for Leaders


  • Get an overview of the latest disruptive technologies, global trends and applications; and understand their impact on business models and strategy.
  • Learn how organisations can leverage cutting-edge technologies and innovative business models to create value, drive growth and gain a competitive edge in today’s business environment.
  • Examine the factors for success and failures as organisations embarked on their digital transformation journeys.
  • Develop a strategic mindset to lead your team through uncertainties while capitalizing on emerging opportunities.
  • Cultivate a culture of innovation and agility while inspiring and empowering your teams to adapt and embrace change.
  • Gain access to the prestigious network of NBS/NTU Alumni for valuable networking opportunities.
  • Benefit from the only comprehensive executive leadership programme with SkillsFuture Singapore funding (of up to 90%) plus Alumni Course Credit.
ModulesKey Learning Outcomes
LEADING INNOVATION (4 days) | Innovation and Digital Transformation for Business
Industry 4.0 Trends and Technologies (including Internet of Things)
  • Gain an overview of the latest Industry 4.0 global trends and technologies and their applications in smart/ advanced manufacturing solutions and smart cities.
  • Appreciate the benefits and applications of sensors and Industrial Internet of Things (IoT).
  • Experience some of these cutting-edge technologies through company/corporate laboratory visit. 
Disruptive Technology, Strategy and Business Transformation
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the key issues of digital transformation and change under different contexts of technological disruption.
  • Understanding of such issues is helpful when crafting digital business strategy for your company and implementing digital transformation to achieve your organisational goals.
  • Analyse real-life cases and learn from the success and pitfalls of other organisations’ digital transformation journeys.
Design Thinking and TRIZ for Innovation and New Opportunities
  • Grasp the key principles of Design Thinking and Human-Centered Design (HCD) and explore how they enhance user experience and product design.
  • Understand the fundamentals of TRIZ – Theory of Inventive Problem Solving and discuss real-world examples where TRIZ has been successfully applied.
  • Discuss how to integrate these methodologies into real professional practice.
LEADING BUSINESS (4 days) | Finance, AI and Analytics for Management
Business Finance for Decision Making
  • Understand and interpret financial statements to make strategic decisions
  • Perform financial analysis to assess the financial health of a company.
  • Evaluate strategic choices involved in capital budgeting, including estimation of project cash flows, measurement of cost of capital and appropriate financing mix.
Business Insights and Data-driven Decisions
  • Understand what analytics entails and the value proposition to business.
  • Recognise the elements of an effective analytics strategy
  • Learn a practical framework to structure, communicate and manage risk in analytics projects.
  • Understand the process of converting data into actionable insights for decision-making.
    Generative AI and Machine Learning for Leaders
    • Compare Analytics vs Machine Learning vs AI vs Generative AI
    • Appreciate the applications, risks and possibilities of AI and Generative AI
    • Use a predictive model to make automated data-driven decisions
    • Case studies to reinforce understanding and application of the above digital tools to business 
    LEADING PEOPLE (4 days) | Transformational Leadership amid Disruption
    Agile Leadership in the age of Disruption
    • Gain insights on the impact of digital transformation on leadership, organization and business.
    • Understand how to drive digital transformation and how to build a digital-ready culture.
    • Develop a strategic mindset and agile leadership capabilities to drive growth in the digital age.
    Leading and Managing Change
    • Apply essential change management models and organisation development concepts to real-life situations in the workplace.
    • Develop a mindset to reduce resistance and accept/embrace change.
    • Identify the critical attributes of leaders and their key roles during change.
    Managing Dilemmas in Decision Making
    • Life of a leader is filled with contradictory challenges and difficult decisions. Organisations stand to gain when their leaders are able to shift these perceived “either/or” tensions to “both/and” possibilities.
    • Manage paradox with the 6As framework: acknowledgement, acceptance, aim, action, authenticity, and accumulation. 
    • Learn to articulate a paradox challenge (e.g. short term vs long term plan), apply techniques to manage the paradox, implement the solution, evaluate and continuously iterate and improve.
    EQ and Communication for Leaders
    • Communicate with executive presence to build credibility and influence
    • Engage, motivate and inspire to get buy-ins from your team, management, customers and other stakeholders.
    • Demonstrate empathy and active listening in communication, especially in employee engagement.

    Participants can choose to attend the full programme in one intake or stagger the pillars across different intakes. Each pillar can also be taken as a stand-alone course.                            

    Middle to senior level managers, professionals and leaders from any industry seeking to drive innovation and transformation in their organisations or simply to enhance their strategic thinking, business management and leadership skills.

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