Published on 12 Jan 2024

Centre of AI in Medicine (C-AIM) Inaugural Workshop on 11 Jan 2024

On January 11, 2024, the Centre of AI in Medicine (C-AIM) held its inaugural workshop, marking an exciting beginning. The event was a vibrant half-day affair that brought together a diverse group of participants, including clinicians, engineers, implementation experts, and social scientists.

The primary goals of the workshop were to introduce the core members to C-AIM's vision, deliberate on flagship projects, and establish strong interdisciplinary collaborations. The excitement was palpable as the participants dived into a series of presentations and discussions.

The workshop kicked off with a series of presentations that laid out the vision, mission, and objectives of C-AIM. The main topics revolved around fostering collaboration between clinicians and engineers, ensuring the relevance of AI work to healthcare, and conducting effective implementation studies. Participants also discussed common challenges in deploying AI in clinical settings, setting the stage for insightful debates and brainstorming sessions.

One of the highlights of the event was the breakout sessions. Participants were divided into clinical domain groups focusing on Mental Health, Frailty and Rehabilitation, Medical Imaging, and Cancer Screening. These sessions aimed to tackle pressing issues within each domain and brainstorm flagship projects that could shape the future of C-AIM. The diversity of opinions and expertise in each group led to rich discussions and innovative project ideas.

As the workshop drew to a close, each group presented their exciting project ideas, showcasing the potential impact of interdisciplinary collaboration. The final segment of the day was a relaxed networking lunch, where participants continued their conversations, formed new connections, and laid the groundwork for future collaborations.

The inaugural workshop of C-AIM was not just a meeting of minds but a celebration of the possibilities that AI brings to medicine. With such a successful and engaging start, the future of C-AIM looks incredibly promising!