Published on 14 Jun 2024

Centre of AI in Medicine (C-AIM) Workshop 2 on 13 Jun 2024

Exciting Day at the Centre of AI in Medicine's (C-AIM) Second Workshop!

On 13 June 2024, the Centre of AI in Medicine (C-AIM) hosted its much-anticipated second workshop, bringing together a vibrant mix of clinicians and engineers. The event was a powerhouse of ideas, collaboration, and innovation.

Our workshop was designed to bridge the gap between medicine and technology, fostering an environment where groundbreaking project ideas could flourish. And flourish they did! The session was packed with dynamic discussions and brainstorming sessions, where numerous innovative project ideas were proposed.

Clinicians and engineers were teamed up, working on starting new projects or to bring existing ones closer to completion. The synergy between the medical and engineering minds was palpable, and we are excited to see the outcomes of these collaborations.

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this workshop a resounding success. Your enthusiasm and expertise are what drive the future of AI in medicine. Stay tuned for updates on the amazing projects that will emerge from these partnerships!