Our People
Dr Budianto Tandianus
Senior Research Fellow
Dr Budianto Tandianus received his bachelor degree from STMIK Mikroskil (Indonesia) in 2005. He then received both his MSc and PhD degree from Nanyang Technological University in 2008 and 2015 respectively. Under the supervision of Professor Seah Hock Soon and Dr Henry Johan,
he conducted his PhD research on scalable caustics rendering and reconstruction. He
successfully defended his PhD thesis on 20 July 2015 and he was conferred
the degree Doctor of Philosophy on 11 September 2015. His research interests are Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality. His main work mottos are Critical, Exploration, Organized, Innovation, and Diversity. In his free time, he spends his time learning something new, watching documentary, doing photography, and exploring latest interactive digital media entertainment.

Sui Yiliang
Project Officer
Mr Sui Yiliang is a graduate from NTU with bachelors in Computer Engineering in August 2019. He has experience in education as well as network security. His research interest is in VR and AR development. His hobby involves game design and writing.