
To nurture the next generation of talents in AVR domain, CAVR will offer programmes for training capabilities in AVR research and development.

As part of the programme, CAVR facilitates the Games Design Course in School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE). The students in the course form teams and each team will complete a game prototype within two months as their Game Assignment Projects. They are free to choose the genre and the scale of the content but are encouraged to incorporate AVR into their games together with unique and creative concept and fun factors.

Each team is required to present both the Game Design Document (GDD) and the final game. The advisors, from both the industry and NTU, will assess the games in various aspects including gameplay, art design, pitching skills and commercialization potential.

CAVR will also engage intern students to work with researchers and engineers from the industry and NTU on AVR R&D projects.​​