Interdisciplinary PhD

ACE@NTU would like to invite all interested faculty working in relevant areas to participate in this

Call for Proposals for Inter-disciplinary Blockchain PhD Projects

Proposals will be accepted from now through 20 Dec 2022, 17:00 hrs.

Successful applicants will be awarded with a 4 years PhD scholarship to work on the project, which will go towards covering the PhD student’s stipends and tuition fees.

*Awardees are free to top up the scholarship with other research grants (subject to the other grant terms and conditions).


  • To support and advance bold interdisciplinary research ideas for Blockchain.
  • To invite the larger NTU faculty to be part of Algorand Centre of Excellence global network of blockchain and cryptocurrency research and education centres.

Eligibility Criteria

  • All faculty across NTU are eligible.
  • Proposed projects which involve a co-supervisor from a different school/college will be regarded more favourably. The PhD student will be hosted at the school of the lead PI.
  • Proposals incorporating Algorand elements (Algorand protocol, tools, ecosystem, technologies, etc) are strongly encouraged.

Application Process

  1. Attached application form
  2. 2-page CVs of PI and co-PI(s)
  3. CV of proposed PhD student (if already identified at this point of time)

Proposals will be evaluated by the Governing Board of ACE@NTU, which will consist of Senior Management Members from NTU and Algorand Foundation.

Do note that while the funding for the PhD scholarship is guaranteed with grant award, the individual PhD candidate will still need to pass NTU’s PhD admission criteria.

We look forward to receiving your inter-disciplinary Blockchain proposals in this call. You may email to should you have any enquiries.