Specialisation Available for School of CEE students

There are currently 7 niche specialisations available for our students.
These specialisations allow students to pursue greater depth in a chosen area and add value to their degrees.

Find out more about the specialisation ↓

Civil Infrastructure

For Environmental Engineering students

Coastal Protection

For Civil Engineering & Environmental Engineering students

Geotechnical Engineering

For Civil Engineering students

International Trading

For Maritime Studies students

Maritime Management

For Civil Engineering & Environmental Engineering students

Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering & Management

For Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering & Maritime Studies students

Structural Engineering

For Civil Engineering students

Civil Infrastructure

Eligible for Environmental Engineering students

The Professional Engineers Board Singapore recognize graduates with the B.Eng. (Environmental Engineering) with specialisation in Civil Infrastructure to be eligible for registration as Professional Engineer (PE) in Civil Engineering.

This Professional Engineer qualification would be useful if you eventually decide to practise in the construction and built environment industry after you graduate.

Courses Required to Read

These courses would equip our B.Eng. (Environmental Engineering) graduates with good knowledge in structural analysis and design as well as soil mechanics, in addition to the extensive knowledge in environmental engineering, hydraulic and hydrology.

You may read the above-mentioned courses as Core (if it is listed as core in your curriculum), Major PE or Elective.

Important: All these courses cannot be read during your overseas exchange or exercise Flexible Grading Option (FGO) even if you classify it as elective.


Once you passed all the above mentioned 5 courses and be awarded with letter grades, you will be issued with a Certification Letter upon graduation, and this letter will be accepted by the Professional Engineers Board Singapore.


Look out for email sent by our Undergraduate’s Office every semester before your personalised registration date.

Coastal Protection

Eligible for Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering students admitted in AY2021-22 & thereafter

Coastal protection against climate changes and sea level rise will be a national priority for decades to come, hence it will be a long-term endeavour. We hope to develop and nurture young talents who are keen to pursue a career in this area of work.

Courses Required to Read

These courses would equip our CEE & ENE graduates with the knowledge to pursue advanced coastal engineering programmes at the graduate level, and to ensure a steady pipeline of coastal engineers to meet the future demand. Also note that if you opt for this specialisation, your AU for graduation will remain unchanged.

Total 5 Courses to be read
ProgrammeCourse Code & TitleType
CEECV2013 Engineering Geology & Soil MechanicsCore
ENEEN2004 Geo-Environment and Soil MechanicsCore
CEE & ENECV2020 Water Resources EngineeringCore
CV4116 Coastal EngineeringMPE/BDE*
CV4121 Inland and Coastal Flood ManagementMPE/BDE*
EN4104 Environmental HydraulicsMPE/BDE*
* The course will be classified under BDE once the AU requirement for MPE has been fulfilled. 


Once you passed all the 5 courses, you will be issued with a Certificate upon graduation that is recognised by PUB, Singapore National Water Agency.

Special point to note that courses where Flexible Grading Option (FGO) has been exercised will not be counted towards the award of the specialisation.


Register during your personalised registration day.


Geotechnical Engineering

Eligible for Civil Engineering students admitted Year 1 AY2021-22, Year 2 in AY2022-23 and thereafter

All engineering structures are founded in soils and rocks. Geotechnical engineering is one of the core disciplines of Civil Engineering that studies the mechanical behaviour of soils and rocks, under loading as part of the design of excavation, foundation, underground tunnel, land reclamation and slope stability among other infrastructures.

This specialised expertise in geotechnical engineering is in high demand in industry. This specialisation will better equip students to practice in the geotechnical sector upon graduation.

Courses Required to Read

Course code & TitleAUType
CV2013 Engineering Geology & Soil Mechanics3Core
CV2014 Geotechnical Engineering3Core
CV3013 Foundation Engineering3Core
ELECTIVE COURSES (Read minimum 6 AU)
CV4110 Excavation and Retaining Walls3MPE/BDE*
CV4111 Ground Engineering3MPE/BDE*
CV6311 Soil Behaviour & Engineering Properties3MPE/BDE*
CV6312 Slope Stability & Ground Improvement3MPE/BDE*
CV6313 Shallow & Deep Foundations3MPE/BDE*
CV6314 Excavation and Earth Retaining Systems3MPE/BDE*
CV6315 Engineering Geology and Rock Engineering3MPE/BDE*

The criteria to read the post graduate courses will be as follows:

  1. Students must have minimum CGPA of 4.
  2. It will be counted towards the computation of the CGPA.
  3. Students could only read it when you are in Year 4 standing.

*All courses read under elective courses will be classified under Broadening and Deepening Elective (BDE) once the AU requirement for Major Prescribed Elective (MPE) has been fulfilled.

Note: Maximum two specializations each student is allowed if all academic requirements are fulfilled.



Once you read and passed all the 5 courses, you will be issued with a Certificate upon graduation. 

Special point to note:

  • Courses where Flexible Grading Option (FGO) has been exercised will not be counted towards the award of the specialisation.
  • Maximum 2 Specialisations could be read for each student.


Register during your personalised registration day for undergraduate courses.

For postgraduate courses (CV63xx), please register through CEE Undergraduate Office. 


International Trading

Eligible for Maritime Studies students

This specialisation is offered by the Nanyang Business School (NBS).

The knowledge and training in commodity trading will benefit students in complementing their business and technical knowledge and therefore broaden their career prospects, presenting greater career options and a stepping stone for those looking to launch their careers in the lucrative commodity trading sector and value chain.

Courses Required to Read

These courses would equip our BSc (Maritime Studies) graduates with good knowledge in International Trading.

  1. MT1003 Trade Practice and Incoterms
  2. MT3006 Ship Chartering
  3. BF2227 Commodity Markets
  4. BF2302 International Tax & Trading Law
  5. BF3212 Trade, Structured & Supply Chain Finance
  6. BF3213 Enterprise Risk Management in Commodity Markets
  7. BF3214 Commodities Trading
  8. BF3226 Strategic Management in Commodity Market

The first two courses are part of the core courses in the BSc (Maritime Studies) programme. The additional AUs from the rest of the 6 courses will be classified under the Broadening and Deepening Elective (BDE), hence even if you opt for this specialisation, your AU for graduation will remain unchanged.



Once you passed all the 8 courses, you will be issued with a Certificate upon graduation. It will be recognised by International Enterprise Singapore.

Special point to note that courses where Flexible Grading Option (FGO) has been exercised will not be counted towards the award of the specialisation.


Opt in at the end of Year 1


Maritime Management

Eligible for Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering students admitted from AY2023-24 and thereafter

This Specialisation is to equip our engineering students with knowledge in maritime management, so that they will be able to practice in the maritime management sectors upon graduation.

Courses Required to Read

The following 5 compulsory courses with 3 AU each,

  1. MT2002 Shipping Economics
  2. MT2005 Port Economics
  3. MT3003 Organisation of Ship Owning Entity
  4. MT3004 Shipping Management
  5. MT4003 Maritime Strategy

All courses to be read would be classified under Broadening and Deepening Elective (BDE), but would not be able to read during exchange or exercise Flexible Grading Option (FGO) even if it is classified as BDE.



Once you passed all the 5 courses, you will be issued with a Certification Letter upon graduation.

 Special point to note: Maximum two specializations each student is allowed if all academic requirements are fulfilled.


Register during your personalised registration day.


Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering and Management

Eligible for Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Maritime Studies students

This specialisation is offered by the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE).

This specialisation allows students to pursue greater depth in Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering and Management area. The inclusion of the specialisation will be advantageous for students in their job search, careers, as well as in their applications for higher studies.

Courses Required to Read

Beside the core courses, the rest of the courses read will be classified under Broadening and Deepening Elective (BDE) once the AU requirement for Major Prescribed Elective (MPE) has been fulfilled.

Course code & TitleAUType
Civil Engineering & Environmental Engineering Programme
CV1012 Fluid Mechanics@3Core
MA4856 Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering#3MPE/BDE
MT1004 Introduction to Meteorology and Oceanography@3MPE/BDE
Maritime Studies Programme
MT1004 Introduction to Meteorology and Oceanography@3Core
CV1012 Fluid Mechanics@3MPE/BDE
MA4856 Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering#3MPE/BDE
ELECTIVE COURSES (Need to read minimum 6 AU)
Civil Engineering & Environmental Engineering Programme
MA4807 Marine Structural Integrity#3MPE/BDE
MA4808 Marine Control Systems#3MPE/BDE
MA4871 Non-Destructive Testing#3MPE/BDE
MT0001 Shipping and The Environment@3MPE/BDE
MT3004 Shipping Management@3MPE/BDE
Maritime Studies Programme
MA4807 Marine Structural Integrity#3MPE/BDE
MA4808 Marine Control Systems#3MPE/BDE
MA4871 Non-Destructive Testing#3MPE/BDE
#courses offered by MAE ;
@courses offered by CEE

For courses offered by School of MAE, you may send your enquiries to askmae@ntu.edu.sg

Maximum two specialisations each student is allowed if all academic requirements are fulfilled.



Once you read and passed all 5 courses, you will be issued with a Certificate upon graduation.


Register during your personalised registration day. 

Structural Engineering

Eligible for Civil Engineering students admitted in AY2021-22 and thereafter

This Specialisation is to equip CEE students who are keen to enroll for examinations set for Professional Engineers (PE), the courses have heavy technical content on structural mechanics and structural design.

When students have mastered structural mechanics and structural design, he or she will be competent to take the PE examinations.

Courses Required to Read

Course code & TitleAUType
Currently offered as Core courses to BEng (Civil) Programme

CV3011 Reinforced Concreate Design


CV3012 Steel Design 

ELECTIVE COURSES (Choose any 3 courses; Read minimum 9 AU)
All elective courses read could be classified under Broadening and Deepening Elective (BDE) once the AU requirement for Major Prescribed Elective (MPE) has been fulfilled.
Currently offered as Major Prescribed Elective courses to BEng (Civil) Programme

CV4101 Structural Analysis III


CV4102 Advanced Steel Design


CV4120 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Currently offered in Postgraduate Programmes
CV6103 Structural Dynamics3MPE/BDE
CV6107 Behaviour and Design of Steel and Composite Structures3MPE/BDE
CV6108 Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings3MPE/BDE
The criteria for enrolling in postgraduate courses will be as follows:

a) Students must have minimum CGPA of 4. 
b) It will be counted towards the computation of the CGPA.
c) Students who have fulfilled the AU requirement of MPE, could register and classify it under BDE. 
d) Students could only read it in the fourth year.


Once you read and passed all the 5 courses, you will be issued with a Certificate upon graduation.

Special point to note: 

  • Courses where Flexible Grading Option (FGO) has been exercised will not be counted towards the award of the Specialisation.
  • Maximum two (2) Specialisations could be read for each student.


Register during your personalised registration day for undergraduate courses.

For postgraduate courses (CV6xxx), please register through CEE Undergraduate Office.