CEE Overseas Alumni Network

The Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) is a full-fledged tertiary institution, well-recognised internationally and among the top-ranking universities, after having scaled the academic excellence and won many international accolades over the recent years. The number of graduates from the fast-expanding disciplines of studies added to the alumni associations year after year.

Today the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) takes pride in its large pool of growing alumni, up to the tally of more than 11,000 to date and from diverse countries. Every graduate is distinctive in his or her own right, and an invaluable contributor to nation-building of their home countries, of which we shared their honour. To fully adapt to the ever-changing conditions of the industry and demanding disciplines of enrichment, the former School of Civil & Structural Engineering (CSE) changed its name to Civil and Environmental Engineering. It has also responded by starting to actively engage all stakeholders in overseas alumni networks, which have the tendency to operate in “silos” in their respective countries, without much communication with one another or with NTU CEE Alumni Association.

Having burdened by the shortcoming, Chair of CEE Professor Chu Jian together with the Chairman of NTU CEE Alumni Association Er Chong Kee Sen (Class of 1987), readily garnered a group of like-minded alumni with common values to establish the CEE Overseas Alumni Network. Having given the mandate, they will forge a broader framework of objectives and new lease of visions, for CEE Alumni per se.

The CEE Overseas Alumni Network Committee was inaugurated on 30th December 2020 with the New Vision that CEE Overseas Alumni Network would strive to enlarge the networks of overseas alumni associations outside Singapore which in record covers largely China, Malaysia, Indonesia and many countries in the other parts of Asia Pacific. The Committee would devise plans and strategies in collaboration with other overseas alumni associations, contributing to the greater good of engineering disciplines and practices in terms of research development, knowledge empowerment, manpower training, continuity education, academic–alumni collaboration.

The tagline “Connect, Engage and Enlarge” is the clarion call that summed up the commitment of the CEE Overseas Alumni Network to foster continuous development of individual CEE alumni, after graduation to work-life, by providing uninterrupted platforms of engagement with fellow alumni worldwide, and indispensable relations of comradery with fellow academia of NTU. The initiative hopefully will usher in the dawn of Alumni New Age for NTU CEE!

Please look out for further announcements of CEE Overseas Alumni Network and its upcoming events, as we embark on this new and exciting journey together!

by Teh Keng Liang (Class of 1985)