Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Programmes

An environmental engineer develops solutions for environmental problems by applying science and engineering principles. Contributes to sustainable development, protection of human health and nature’s ecosystem.


Recent news on Environmental Engineering and its importance to Singapore :

Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental Engineering)#

This programme provides a unique engineering education that prepares students to address the challenges in complex environmental engineering problems and provide economical and sustainable solutions.

Learn more >      Watch video >

Work-Study Degree Programme (WSDeg) is also available

# Accredited by The Institution of Engineers Singapore, the Singapore signatory of the Washington Accord.

Go further and stretch your potential with a Second Major.

Double Degree or a Minor programme.

Add a Specialisation. In Year 3 & 4.

Curriculum Structure

Course Highlights

The PEOs of Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental Engineering) prepare students to:

  • Be competent and engaged engineering professionals for succeeding in their environmental engineering profession or other fields of their interest;
  • Possess problem solving, lifelong learning and digital skills for continuing professional development;
  • Be competent in addressing multi-disciplinary challenges in complex environmental engineering problems and to provide economical and sustainable solutions;
  • Possess effective management and leadership skills within their professional domain; and
  • Have an entrepreneurial spirit to seize growth opportunities in infrastructure.
Chemistry & Microbiology Environmental SolutionsFluid Mechanics
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Environmental Biology and Microbiology
  • Water Supply Engineering
  • Wastewater Engineering
  • Air Pollution Control Engineering
  • Solid & Hazardous Waste Management
  • Membrane Water Reclamation Technology
  • Environmental Impact Analysis & Monitoring
  • Energy Resource Engineering
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Water Resources Engineering
  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Project Planning & Management
  • Soil Mechanics
  • Professional Internship
  • Seminars & Visits
  • Integrated Design Project
  • Final Year Project
  • Environmental Engineering Laboratory
  • Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core
  • Engineering Economics & Finance
    Year 1
    • Acquire basic concepts in mathematics, science and fundamental engineering principles.
    Year 2
    • Delve deeper with a balanced mix of core courses in environmental engineering and urban solutions.
    Year 3 & 4
    • Equip yourself with managerial and entrepreneurial skills in addition to technical competencies for a career in environmental engineering and beyond.
    • Option to deepen your knowledge with a specialisation in
      • Civil Infrastructure
      • Coastal Protection
      • Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering & Management

    Keen to learn more about some of the core courses and Major Prescribed Electives (MPEs) that Civil Engineering programme offers? Find out what our DC Super Seniors (students and alumni who are here to Deconstruct the Courses) will also share with you more about some of these courses that they have taken.

    Learn More >

    Career Prospects

    Our graduates are highly sought after across
    a wide variety of careers in industries such as:

    Our graduates have been in diverse exciting jobs in various sectors. Click on each of the graduates to find out more!​​

    Samuel See (Bachelor of Environmental Engineering, Class of 2022)

    ESG Analyst, Jardine Cycle & Carriage Limited

    Environmental Engineering is becoming an increasingly important and popular programme as the world begins to acknowledge the environmental problems caused by past generations and are preparing for future issues.

    Another factor that makes each university's ENE department unique is the tenured professors. In NTU CEE, our professors are well-known in their respective fields, be it membrane technology or greeen building materials, so students are able to receive good mentorship and guidance should they wish to explore different subjects.


    Eng Xue Er (Bachelor of Environmental Engineering, Class of 2020)


    Ever wondered how blessed we are to breathe fresh air and drink clean water? Ever thought of being a champion for these blessings of ours? Well, NTU Environmental Engineering is the answer to all your questions!

    During my time at CEE, I was exposed to a wide range of engineering principles and solutions aimed at tackling environmental issues resulting from our actions.  This discovery spurred my desire to safeguard the environment. Backed by many approachable professors who are willing to share their knowledge and experiences, I can say that you will never be alone on this journey.

    Additionally, we don't just study hard, we play hard too! At NTU, you will be provided with a vast amount of opportunities such as Overseas Exchange Programs to broaden your horizon and appreciate the cultural differences, Freshmen Orientation Programs to build on your leadership and communication skills and internships to learn more about the industry!

    So, what are you waiting for?


    Goh Jing Yaw (Bachelor of Environmental Engineering, Class of 2017)

    Senior Engineer, National Environment Agency (NEA)

    School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) has enabled us to discover our hidden potentials and to develop known existing strengths. The comprehensive and dynamic curriculum offered by CEE have continuously empower all undergraduates to be the leaders of tomorrow.

    I had a vibrant undergraduate experience in NTU CEE, with opportunities to participate in conferences and representing NTU in competitions.

    One can enjoy a balance of study and fun without compromising either in NTU CEE. I can confidently say that the education and environment in CEE certainly possess the abilities to prepare undergraduate to pursue their dreams in the engineering industry.