Award of MOE AcRF Tier 2 - Associate Professor Yang En-Hua
Congratulation to Associate Professor Yang En-Hua on the award of MOE AcRF Tier 2 (Call 2, Feb 2024) for his project -Novel Carbon-Negative Functional Manufactured Aggregates for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure
About Ministry of Education (MOE) Academic Research Fund (AcRF)
The AcRF supports research in the Autonomous Universities that has academic significance and a good potential for creating new knowledge that will benefit the larger academic community. The research outcomes should advance high-quality research of international excellence that challenges current understanding or provides pathways to new frontiers. It supports research that serves as a foundation for discoveries that have or will have direct impact on the economy and society. AcRF contributes towards MOE’s mission of training postgraduate research manpower to support the national R&D activities by funding research scholarships.
Project Write-up
This project aims to address the issue of high carbon emissions in the construction sector, mainly from concrete materials. The study not only aims to reduce embodied carbon in concrete materials but also presents an approach to capture carbon released in the environment through carbon mineralization techniques using manufactured aggregates.
The study also focuses on reducing carbon emissions in the operational phase of infrastructure through added functionalities to achieve the carbon neutrality goals in a true sense.