Published on 29 Sep 2023

2023 CHC Board of Governors Resumed In-person Meeting


2023 CHC Board of Governors Resumed In-person Meeting

With the stable global and local condition in the post COVID-19 era, the 2023 CHC Board of Governors (BoG) meeting finally reconvened in-person on September 29, Friday at the CHC Level 2 Auditorium. Prof. Su Guaning, President Emeritus of Nanyang Technological University, presided as the BoG Chairman. Also in attendance were BoG members Prof. Li Haizhou, Prof. Liu Hong, Prof. Long Denggao, Prof Luke Ong, Prof. Phua Koh Khoo, Prof. Danny Wong Tzeken, Mrs. Teresita Ang-see, Ms. Gan Ee Bee, and Mr. Kua Bak Lim.

During the meeting, CHC Director, Prof. Yow Cheun Hoe, delivered the annual report which provided an overview of the organized activities and publications of the centre. He also engaged in a discussion with board members regarding CHC's plans and development.

