围棋对弈与文化(初级)  Weiqi: The Skills and Culture (Elementary)

Weiqi_The Skills and Culture (Elementary)



  • 围棋基本规则
  • 基础吃子技巧
  • 基础死活
  • 围棋礼仪
  • 基础对杀
  • 下出完整的围棋
  • 学习判断胜负
  • 围棋文化介绍




日期: 2024年 8月19日 至2024年10月21日 (每周一)
​​​​​时间: ​​晚上7时30分 至 9时
地点: ​​南洋理工大学孔子学院 Confucius Institute, NTU
11 Slim Barracks Rise, NTU @one-north campus, Executive Centre,
#08-01 (near Buona Vista MRT station)
语言: 中、英文

S$177.00*/10堂课(50岁以上新加坡籍乐龄人士可享50% NSA 津贴) 


^ 需出示身份证明

电话: ​6514 1398 / 6592 7931
报名电邮: ​CIFP@ntu.edu.sg

Weiqi: The Skills and Culture (Elementary)

In this course, the instructor will teach the fundamentals and basic rules of Weiqi, and the relevant culture.

Weiqi is a very enjoyable and challenging game, both intellectual and fun, suitable for both young and old. Especially to the Seniors who are not advised to get involved in strenuous activities, Weiqi calms the mind and improves one’s health, even helpful in the fight against chronic illnesses. As a game of pairs, it also helps to battle loneliness and build friendship, and eventually a healthy social network.

The group of lecturers are experienced coaches from Singapore Weiqi Association and have many years of teaching experience.

Date 19 August 2024 – 21 October 2024 (Every Monday)
​​​​Time ​​7:30pm – 9:00pm
Venue ​​南洋理工大学孔子学院 Confucius Institute, NTU
11 Slim Barracks Rise, NTU @one-north campus, Executive Centre,
#08-01 (near Buona Vista MRT station)
​Language Medium: Chinese & English

S$ 324*/10 lessons (Public)
S$ 174*/10 lessons (For Singaporean seniors aged 50 years and above after NSA Subsidy)

* Price stated is inclusive of 8%GST

^ Proof of identity status or relevant documents are required for verification purpose.

Tel: ​6514 1398 / 6592 7931
Email: ​CIFP@ntu.edu.sg


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