歌唱嗓音课程 — 如何拥有一副美丽的嗓音 Sing With Freedom

Sing With Freedom

歌唱讲座 - 通过演练麦格罗斯基发声法,掌握健康、自然与放松的歌声。学员可根据个别的歌唱爱好,把这发声法运用到选唱的曲目上。


  • 通过演练麦格罗斯基发声法,掌握健康、自然、完美的歌声
  • 提升歌唱气息的运用
  • 改善咬字吐词与共鸣


  • 发声的基本原理:气息、发声器官和共鸣
  • 麦格罗斯基发声法中的放松、姿势矫正、与呼吸
  • 自然、放松嗓音的掌握:麦格罗斯基发声练习
日期: 2023年 3月14日(星期二)
时间: 下午 2:00 至 5:00 (华语讲解)
地点: ​南洋理工大学孔子学院 Confucius Institute, NTU​
11 Slim Barracks Rise, NTU@one-north campus, Executive Centre,
#08-01 Singapore 138664 (near Buona Vista MRT station)
语言: ​中文/ 英文讲解
费用: S$65.40*(公众)

S$35.40*(50岁及以上新加坡籍乐龄人士可享50% NSA 津贴)

* 以上费用已包含9%消费税

•       南大在籍师生可享15%优惠
•       三名及以上新学员可享15%优惠
•       其他公众可享10%优惠

^ 以上优惠不可与NSA津贴同时使用
电话: ​6514 1398 / 6592 7931
电邮: [email protected]

Sing with Freedom

This 3-hour singing workshop aims to free up your singing voice, enriching your tone, resonance, stamina, and ease of vocal production. In this workshop, you will experience the McClosky Technique, a simple series of relaxation exercises and steps for correct postural alignment that can improve the singing voice.

Seminar Topics:

  • Fundamentals of voice production
  • The McClosky Voice Method: Relaxation, posture, and breathy sigh
  • The true meaning of relax and sing
  • Phonation: Flow vs Pressed

Course Content:

  • Discover vocal freedom through the McClosky Technique: Relaxation, Posture, Breathing and Breathy Sigh
  • Freeing the tongue, jaw, facial muscles and neck to optimize the resonance and articulation
  • Phonation: Learning the balanced On-set and off-set
  • Managing the singer’s breath: the application of Appoggio
Date:7 March 2023 (Tuesday)
Time:​2pm - 5pm (In English)
Venue:​南洋理工大学孔子学院 Confucius Institute, NTU​
11 Slim Barracks Rise, NTU@one-north campus, Executive Centre,
#08-01 Singapore 138664 (near Buona Vista MRT station)
​Language Medium:​Mandarin & English

S$35.40* (For Singaporean seniors aged 50 years and above after NSA Subsidy)

* Price stated is inclusive of 9%​GST

Early Bird Discount:
·         15% discount for NTU staff and student
·         15% discount for group of 3 or more
·         10% discount for public

^ Above discounts cannot be combined with NSA subsidy​

Tel:​6514 1398 / 6592 7931
Email:[email protected]