C3A 心理健康课程: 以微笑应万变 C3A Mental Well-being Curriculum – Riding the Waves of Change Smiling

C3A Mental Well-being Curriculum Riding the Waves of Change Smiling
  • 乐龄人士为何容易出现心理健康方面的挑战?
  • 乐龄常见的心理健康问题有哪些?
  • 我们应该如何应对?


  1. 了解乐龄人士最常见的心理健康问题及其发生原因
  2. 识别这些心理健康问题的体征和症状,并了解预防和管理的方法、技巧和资源
  3. 了解积极面对老龄化的重要性



课程日期: 2023年 1月 7日 及 14日 (周六)
时间: 9:30am - 12:30pm
语言: 华语
地点: Confucius Institute, NTU
11 Slim Barracks Rise (off North Buona Vista Road), NTU@one-north campus, Executive Centre, #08-01, S(138664)
(Nearest MRT station: Buona Vista)

$109.00* / 两堂课  (公众)

NSA 津贴后: $29.00*



电话:6514 1398​​​​


  • WHY seniors are prone to mental well-being challenges?
  • WHAT are the common mental well-being issues faced by seniors?
  • HOW to deal with them?

Discover how you can strengthen your mental resilience and well-being, which are important factors of successful ageing. Join us to learn about mental well-being and the common issues affecting it. In our daily lives, we may face stressors which affect our ability to experience life in a positive manner and could increase our vulnerability to mental health difficulties. Through experiential learning, this course will help you pick up practical tips to enhance and maintain your mental well-being.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, participants shall:

  • Be aware of some most common mental well-being issues faced by seniors and why they occur
  • Be able to recognise the signs and symptoms of these mental well-being issues, and know of approaches, techniques and resources to prevent and manage them
  • Acquire a positive outlook towards ageing


Date: 18 & 25 February 2023 (Sat)
Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm
Language: English
Venue: Confucius Institute, NTU
11 Slim Barracks Rise (off North Buona Vista Road), NTU@one-north campus, Executive Centre, #08-01, S(138664)
(Nearest MRT station: Buona Vista)

$109.00* / 2 lessons (Public)

After NSA Subsidy : $29.00*
(for Singaporeans aged 50 and above)

*inclusive of 9% GST

SkillsFuture Credit Eligible

Contact No.:6514 1398

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