2nd Major in Modern Languages (Korean)

The Second Major in Modern Languages (Korean) trains students to acquire intermediate level (B1) proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in a non-English language. Currently, the first language specialization to be offered in AY2024-2025 is Korean. In addition, students will gain familiarity with the cultural, historical, political, and economic characteristics of the regions in which their language of study is spoken. Accordingly, students will take courses offered by various schools in NTU. With this broad-based curriculum, students will be able to competently discuss the various challenges that people face in different parts of the world. Such a global outlook is much needed in an interconnected world, and students who earn the Second Major in Modern Languages will be well-equipped to seek employment overseas. The Second Major will enhance the career prospects of students who aspire to work in private industry, the non-profit sector, international affairs, government, and academia.

Intended Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop all four language skills in the target language; listening, speaking, reading, and writing, to a B1 level, according to the CEFR standard. CEFR is the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  2. Apply the four language skills through effective communication in authentic situations.
  3. Analyse and contextualise relevant cultural, linguistic, and geo-historical facts and concepts pertaining to the target language and the areas and countries in which the target language is used.

Selection Criteria for Second Majors

The Second Major in Modern Languages (Korean) will be open to CoHASS students in Semester 1, AY2024-2025. To be eligible, students must obtain a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 4.0 in the semester immediately before their intended entry into the Second Major. Students starting the 2nd Major must be of Year 2 standing.

Completion Requirements

Students need to complete 30 AUs from the selection of courses below to graduate with a Second Major in Modern Languages (Korean). 

1. Up to 12 AU of courses for a student’s second major can fulfill two requirements concurrently (i.e., second major and major core/major prescribed electives/ICC core courses).

2. Up to 12 AU of courses for the second major can be non-letter graded, including credits transferred from a Student Exchange Program or courses with 'P' (Pass) or 'S' (Satisfactory) notations.

Curriculum Structure of Second Major in Modern Languages

The requirements for the Second Major in Modern Languages (Korean) sum to at least 30 AUs, or 10 modules. These are divided between core language modules and compulsory and elective modules from a range of disciplines.

Modules completed by students during overseas exchange may be matched to the modules listed as satisfying academic credits toward the Second Major in Modern Languages. However, this is subject to the matching policies of the NTU schools and programmes offering the modules.

The proposed requirements for the Second Major are summarised below:



Second Major in Modern Languages (Korean) –Requirements
I. Core Language Requirement: At least 15 AUs of modules in the Second Major language of specialisation: Korean
II. Language-Specific Contextual Requirement (*): 6 – 15 AUs of modules relevant to the language
of specialisation. These modules are offered by SoH (including CML) and other schools in NTU.
III. Electives: 0 – 9 AUs of elective modules in two categories.
Category 1 (**): 0 – 6 AUs of
generic modules suitable for students studying any language of specialisation. Modules relevant to all five Second Major languages are offered by SoH (including CML) and other schools in NTU.
Category 2 (***): 0 – 6 AUs of additional language modules, either in higher levels of the language of specialisation or in any level of any one other language taught by CML.

I. Core Language Requirement

The core language requirement of the Second Major in Modern Languages is a set of modules to be taken in a language of specialisation. Students who pursue the Second Major in Korean will specialise in the Korean language. 

To specialise in a language, students will complete at least 15 AUs of language modules in the language of specialisation. This means that 5 modules must come from the language of specialization, which in this case is Korean.

Modules that fulfill the core language requirement may be matched to modules completed by students while on overseas exchange.

II. Modules Satisfying the Language-Specific Contextual Requirement (*) 

The purpose of the language-specific contextual requirement is to provide social, cultural, and historical context relevant to a student’s language of specialisation. Students will clear between 6 and 15 AUs to satisfy the language-specific contextual requirement.

Listed below are “language-specific modules” that can be taken for credit toward the language-specific contextual requirement. For a module to be included in the list of language-specific modules below, at least one-third of the module’s content must be relevant to the social, cultural, and historical context of a Second Major language.

Language-Specific Modules Under the Second Major in Modern Languages

 Language-Specific Courses for Korean (*)

LK5901 Korean Culture and Society I   
LK5902 Korean Culture and Society II
CS2034 Korean Cinema in the Global Context     
CS4053 Popular Cinema
CS4160 The Korean Wave: A Multidisciplinary Perspective        
CS4260 Film Festivals: History and Theory
CS9081 Introduction to Korean Studies
HH1003 Asia-Pacific in Global History: From 1800             
HH2005 East Asia: Tradition and Modernity
HH2026 Health, Food, and Sports in Modern Korean History 
HH3002 Science, Technology and Medicine in Modern East Asia       
HH3020 Introduction to Korean History

Courses offered by CML to fulfill the Language-Specific Contextual Requirement (*)

CML proposes to offer several modules that students may take to fulfill the Language-Specific Contextual Requirement (II) of the Second Major in Modern Languages. These are not language modules, but rather modules that are designed to educate students about the social, historical, and cultural context of one or more languages of specialisation.

Summary descriptions of the CML modules are provided immediately below.

  • Course Code and Title: LK5901 Korean Culture and Society I

Languages Served: Korean                                                                                                                                                               
This course aims to acquaint students with the prime cultural features of Korea and provide students with an overview of South Korean society. It includes an exposure to contemporary and traditional Korean culture and an exploration of recent socio-political changes and current affairs in Korean societies. During the seminars, students will use interdisciplinary methodologies to review and interpret cultural phenomena and social issues in Korea. Ultimately, this course will prepare students for interaction with Korean communities by increasing their intercultural competencies.

  • Course Code and Title: LK5902 Korean Culture and Society II

Languages Served: Korean                           
This course aims to acquaint students with the prime cultural features of Korea and provide students with an overview of South Korean society. It focuses on traditional concepts of family, festivals, arts and sports. It also explores the transnational trends of modern lifestyles and K- -waves in the era of globalization. During the seminars, students will use interdisciplinary methodologies to review and interpret cultural phenomena and social issues in Korea.

Ultimately, this course will prepare students for interaction with Korean communities by increasing their intercultural competencies.

III. Elective Modules for Second Major in Modern Languages

Students pursuing the Second Major in Modern Languages will complete elective modules accounting for between 0 and 9 AUs. Although students have the option to fulfil all 30 AUs needed to earn the Second Major by taking core language modules (I) and language-specific modules (II), students may also dedicate up to 9 AUs of their study to the electives.

The elective modules fall into two categories—Category 1 and Category 2. Students are allowed to clear between 0 and 6 AUs in either category. Accordingly, if a student chooses to clear 9 AUs of electives in the Second Major, up to 6 AUs may be cleared from one category and then 3 AUs must be cleared from the other category.

The elective modules in Category 1 are generic modules suitable for students studying any language of specialisation. They include modules focused on cultural intelligence, intercultural communication, linguistics, and translation. The Category 1 electives are offered by SoH and other schools in NTU.

The proposed Category 1 electives are as follows:

Elective Modules - Category 1 (**)

BU8641 Cultural Intelligence: How to be an Explorer of the World
HG1001 Mind and Meaning         
HG2001 Morphology and Syntax     
HG2003 Phonetics and Phonology   
HG2010 Bilingualism and Multilingualism
HG2014 Second Language Acquisition         
HG2020 Language in Society             
HG2021 Intercultural Communication   
HG2097 What's in a Name? - A General Introduction to Etymology       
HG2099 Languages of the World         
HG3025 Language Variation               
HH4005 Culture and Heritage: Perspectives from History     
HT9101 Translation: Histories, Theories and Principles

Elective Modules - Category 2 (***)

The elective modules in Category 2 are additional language modules. They may include modules taught by CML at higher levels of the student’s language of specialisation. They may also include modules in any level of any other language taught by CML. This additional language need not be one of the five Second Major languages. To illustrate: a student whose language of specialisation is Korean may take 6 AUs of Arabic at levels 1 and 2 as Category 2 electives. This is permitted, even though Arabic is not currently a language of specialisation offered under the Second Major in Modern Languages.

Therefore, the proposed Category 2 electives are all language modules offered by CML. These modules can be matched with modules taken on overseas exchange, and with Language Immersion Programmes. The full list of CML modules is attached below.

For all queries concerning the 2nd Major in Modern Languages (Korean), please contact Ms Ryoo Hye Jin, Agnes at [email protected].

Full List of Elective Modules for Category 2:

All CML Courses
LA5001- Arabic Language Level 1  
LA5002- Arabic Language Level 2  
LA5003- Arabic Language Level 3  
LA5101- Advanced Arabic Language  
LC5001- Chinese Language Level 1  
LC5002- Chinese Language Level 2  
LC5003- Chinese Language Level 3  
LC5004- Chinese Language Level 4  
LF5001- French Language Level 1  
LF5002- French Language Level 2  
LF5003- French Language Level 3  
LF5004- French Language Level 4  
LF5005-French Language Level 5  
LF5006-French Language Level 6  
LF5007- French Language Level 7  
LG5001- German Language Level 1
LG5002- German Language Level 2
LG5003- German Language Level 3
LG5004- German Language Level 4
LG5005- German Language Level 5
LG5006- German Language Level 6
LH5001- Hindi Language Level 1
LH5002- Hindi Language Level 2
LI5001- Italian Language Level 1
LI5002- Italian Language Level 2
LI5003- Italian Language Level 3
LJ5001- Japanese Language Level 1
LJ5002- Japanese Language Level 2
LJ5003- Japanese Language Level 3
LJ5004- Japanese Language Level 4
LJ5005- Japanese Language Level 5
LJ5006- Japanese Language Level 6
LJ5007- Japanese Language Level 7
LK5001- Korean Language Level 1
LK5002- Korean Language Level 2
LK5003- Korean Language Level 3
LK5004- Korean Language Level 4
LK5005- Korean Language Level 5
LK5006- Korean Language Level 6
LK5007- Korean Language Level 7
LL5001- Sign Language Level 1
LL5002- Sign Language Level 2
LM5001- Malay Language Level 1
LM5002- Malay Language Level 2
LM5003- Malay Language Level 3
LM5004- Malay Language Level 4
LM5005- Malay Language Level 5
LR5001- Russian Language Level 1
LR5002- Russian Language Level 2
LR5003- Russian Language Level 3
LR5004- Russian Language Level 4
LS5001- Spanish Language Level 1
LS5002- Spanish Language Level 2
LS5003- Spanish Language Level 3
LS5004- Spanish Language Level 4
LS5005- Spanish Language Level 5
LZ5001- Tamil Language Level 1
LT5001- Thai Language Level 1
LT5002- Thai Language Level 2
LT5003- Thai Language Level 3
LT5004- Thai Language Level 4
LT5005- Thai Language Level 5
LV5001- Vietnamese Language Level 1
LV5002- Vietnamese Language Level 2