Korean Language Classes

LK5001 - Korean Language Level 1

Contact Hours:
48h (36+12 online)
3 AU


This course is a BDE for any undergraduate student with an interest in the Korean language, culture, study and work life, but with no prior knowledge of Korean. LK5001 will teach you basic Korean to the level of A1.1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It introduces the basics of the language such as reading and writing of the Hangeul script and pronunciation. It then proceeds to basic communication, fundamentals of grammar, and elementary reading skills for simple sentences. You will develop the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in an interactive and integrated manner through a broad range of classroom and online activities that relate to daily life such as greetings, identities, time, numbers, weather, location and everyday activities. Thus, this course will be beneficial for you to travel and study in Korea.


No previous knowledge of the language

Learning Outcomes

  • Read and write in the Korean writing system (Hangeul).
  • Identify information provided in basic Korean sentences and audio files.
  • Greet each other and introduce yourself (name, nationality and occupation) and your family.
  • Describe places, location, dates and weather in one sentence.
  • Write short essays in Korean using learned grammar and vocabulary about a familiar topic.

LK5002 - Korean Language Level 2

Contact Hours:
48h (36+12 online)
3 AU
This course is a BDE for any undergraduate student who has successfully passed the LK5001, Korean Language Level 1 or its equivalent. LK5002 will teach you basic Korean to the level of A1.2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). In this course, you will become more familiar with the morphology of spoken and written Korean and further develop your proficiency in the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. These skills will be taught in an interactive and integrated manner through theme-based activities related to everyday life. The course will also enable you to acquire more accurate pronunciation and articulation of Korean words and sentence patterns. By the end of the course, you will have a better understanding of Korean lifestyle and culture and you will hence be able to better appreciate the richness and diversity of Korea.

LK5001 or
Placement Test

Learning Outcomes

  • Ask and answer questions about family, time, illness, destination, clothes, and travel plans.
  • Identify information provided in basic Korean texts and audio files.
  • Speak at different levels of formality and politeness; formal/informal ending and honorific form.
  • Write a blog, notice, text message, e-mail, thankful card, travel brochure and invitation.
  • Discuss and compare Korean culture and your culture though Korean cultural stories.

LK5003 - Korean Language Level 3

Contact Hours:
3 AU
This course is a BDE for any undergraduate student who has successfully passed the LK5002-Korean Language Level 2 or its equivalent. LK5003 will teach you the Korean Language to the level of A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This course aims to expand your language skills by introducing more complex sentence structures, colloquial expressions and language use in different cultural contexts. You are introduced to the more stylistic intricacies of the language as idioms and metaphors are integrated into the syllabus. Classroom tasks in this course naturally demand a higher level of participation and hence incorporate learning through the use of audio-visual materials and class discussion. During the course, you are expected to use little or no English as the course is mainly taught in Korean. By the end of this course, you should be able to read, speak, write and understand written documents on varied topics in different forms. This course gives you practice in the skills required for TOPIK (Test Of Proficiency In Korean), a standardized Korean language test.
LK5002 or
Placement Test

Learning Outcomes

  • Ask and answer questions about major, job, food, recipe, shopping and invitation.
  • Identify information provided in authentic Korean texts and audio files.
  • Speak at different levels of formality: honorific or intimate style.
  • Write a journal, a letter, and essays discussing and expressing your opinions.
  • Discuss and compare Korean culture and your culture through the use of challenging and advanced texts.

LK5004 - Korean Language Level 4

Contact Hours:
3 AU
This course aims to get higher intermediate proficiency in students’ language skills by introducing language use in different cultural contexts and more complex sentence structures and colloquial expressions. Classroom tasks in this course naturally demand a higher level of participation and hence incorporate learning through the use of audio-visual materials and class discussion. By the end of this course, you should be able to read, speak, write and understand written documents on varied topics in different forms. LK5004 will teach you the Korean Language to the level of B1.1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This course gives you practice in the skills required for TOPIK (Test Of Proficiency In Korean), a standardized Korean language test.
LK5003 or
Placement Test
Learning Outcomes
  • Communicate at a lower intermediate level that allows you to express yourself on various issues and exchange information in authentic Korean texts and audio files.
  • Read, interpret and comprehend authentic spoken, written and multimedia content on current social issues.
  • Apply Korean grammatical concepts to phrases appropriate for a lower intermediate level.
  • Write more complex texts dealing with everyday topics, such as comparing different aspects, convey messages, requesting or providing information.
  • Discuss different aspects of Korean cultures and perspectives along with appropriate commentary, analysis and reflection.

LK5005 - Korean Language Level 5

Contact Hours:
3 AU
This course aims to get higher intermediate proficiency in students’ language skills by introducing language use in different cultural contexts and more complex sentence structures and colloquial expressions. Classroom tasks in this course naturally demand a higher level of participation and hence incorporate learning through the use of audio-visual materials and class discussion. By the end of this course, you should be able to read, speak, write and understand written documents on varied topics in different forms. LK5005 will teach you the Korean Language to the level of B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This course gives you practice in the skills required for TOPIK (Test Of Proficiency In Korean), a standardized Korean language test.


LK5004 or
Placement Test
Learning Outcomes
  • Communicate at a intermediate level that allows you to express yourself on various issues and exchange information in authentic Korean texts and audio files.
  • Read, interpret and comprehend authentic spoken, written and multimedia content on current social issues.
  • Apply Korean grammatical concepts to phrases appropriate for an intermediate level.
  • Write more complex texts dealing with everyday topics, such as travelling, hobbies, house chores, and everyday life.
  • Discuss different aspects of Korean history and cultures and perspectives along with appropriate commentary, analysis and reflection.

LK5006 - Korean Language Level 6

Contact Hours:
3 AU
This course aims to strengthen students with adequate skills and strategies to achieve an advanced level of proficiency in the Korean language and to communicate as a citizen of the world. It helps students to interact and discuss about the Korean society and its people using the target grammar and vocabulary in authentic situations. Classroom tasks in this course demand a higher level of participation which includes group discussions in social, historical and cultural context and prose composition that are long and diverse in content as well as language usage. At the end of the course, students should be able to internalize the reading, speaking, listening, writing and integrated activities on varied topics through assigned tasks.
LK5005 or
Placement Test
Learning Outcomes
  • Communicate at a higher intermediate level that allows you to express yourself on various issues and exchange information in authentic Korean texts and audio files.
  • Read, interpret and comprehend authentic spoken, written and multimedia content on current social issues.
  • Use higher intermediate vocabulary and idiomatic expressions relating to topics such as earn higher intermediate vocabulary and idiomatic expressions relating to topics such as relationships, community, career, marriage, food, health, festivals, holidays, and problems and solutions in daily life.
  • Engage in discourse and express your views freely on learn topics.ngage in discourse and express your views freely on learn topics.ngage in discourse and express your views freely on learn topics.ngage in discourse and express your views freely on learn topics.