Bachelor of Technology in Computing (A SkillsFuture Work-Study Degree)

Single Degree

Offered by NTU College of Computing and Data Science, the Bachelor of Technology (BTech) in Computing, a SkillsFuture Work-Study Degree (WSDeg) programme, immerses students in authentic learning through a curriculum founded on collaboration with key industry partners and facilitated by highly qualified NTU faculty members as well as industry practitioners.

Designed in a stackable structure, students need to complete all the 3 stacks in the programme which are, namely, Foundation Stack, Specialist Stack and an Industry Immersion Stack, to be awarded the full degree qualification.

This WSDeg programme allows students to study at their own pace, with minimal disruption to their work commitments, with the following specialisations delivered modularly on a part-time basis:

For the Foundation and Specialist stacks, the programme recognises the successful completion of all respective modules through awarding a Advanced Specialist Certificate at the end of each stack. As part of the on-the-job training in the final year of the programme, students are required to complete a full-time industry immersion related to their choice of specialisation.


The WSDeg programme is designed to help you pivot into a professional role in the information technology industry.

Its training curriculum has a strong industry-focus that will methodically and progressively build up and validate your industry skills and knowledge in computing. This part-time programme is design for working adults looking to study at their own pace, with minimal disruption to their work commitments.

If you are looking to upgrade from a local Polytechnic diploma or work-study diploma to a Bachelor’s Degree, this is the programme is for you.

The eligibility criteria for enrolment into the BTech in Computing (WSDeg) programme are as follows:


Accepted Educational Qualifications:

  • Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level
  • Diploma from local polytechnics or equivalent institutions
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
  • NUS High School (NUS HS) Diploma
  • Other recognized qualifications

Note: Candidates who do not meet the educational requirement but have demonstrated relevant work experiences and/or relevant competencies (e.g. well-recognised skills/professional certifications) would be reviewed and admitted on a case-by-case basis.


Additional compulsory requirements:

  1. At least 21 years of age^ as at 31 July of the admission year;
  2. Have 2 years of full-time working experience^, or currently employed on a full-time basis, or Singaporean/SPR males who have or will be fully discharged from their full-time NS liability before school term start date). Note: Applicants who are sponsored by their company or currently employed in a job role related to the degree programme will be granted exemption from the age and work experience requirements.
  3.  Passed the five pre-requisite bridging modules at the point of matriculation.

^Applicants may be granted exemptions from the age and work experience eligibility criteria if:

  • Sponsored by the company for the study of the part-time undergraduate degree programme offered; or
  • Currently employed in a job role/sector related to the part-time undergraduate degree programme offered.

Important points to take note:

  • Full time NSmen (NSF) will not be eligible for disruption from NS for the purpose of pursuing part-time undergraduate education.
  • NSF with ORD date after the school term start date will not be eligible for admission as well as subsidy.
  • For self-employed individual (e.g., Freelancer, Sole Proprietor), you may be required to submit additional supporting document for further evaluation.
  • Part-time employment will not be considered as full-time work experience. Tuition Fee Subsidy is only available to Singaporeans and Singapore PR holders.
  • A part-time employee is one who works for less than 35 hours a week, under contract of service with an employer.

Programme Duration (Part-Time)

4 years

Note: Programme(s) will only commence if the minimum intake size is met. An email will be sent to you at least three weeks before programme start date in the event that cancellation is necessary.


Core courses:
Course CodeCourse Title Pre-requisite
CT2001Data Structures and Algorithms3 AUNIL
CT2002Introduction to Computer Architecture and Networks3 AUNIL
CT2003Object Oriented Design and Programming3 AUNIL
CT2004Software Engineering3 AUCo-requisite: CT2003
CT2005Operating Systems3 AUCT2001, CT2002
CT2006Algorithm Design and Analysis3 AUCT2001
CT2007Introduction to Database3 AUco-requisite: CT2006
CT2008Introduction to Computer Security3 AUco-requisite: CT2005
CT2009Design Thinking3 AUCT2004
CT2010Project  Management  (Business  Needs  Analysis  &  Risk Analysis)3 AUCT2004
CT2011Data Analysis & Market Sensing (Business Intelligence)3 AUCT2007
CT2079Mini Capstone (Full-Stack) project3 AUCT2001-2008
CT3079Mini Capstone (Specialization) project3 AUComplete respective specialisation courses
CT4079Industry Capstone project6 AUComplete Industry OJT courses
Total45 AU 
Specialization Courses (8):
Software Engineering Specialization 
CT3101UX/UI Design3 AUCT2001, CT2003
CT3102World Wide Web technologies and Applications3 AUCT2003, CT2005
CT3103Advance Software Engineering3 AUCT2004
CT3104Software Testing3 AUCT2004, CT2006
CT3105Data Science and Analytics3 AUCT2011
CT3401Big Data Management3 AUCT2007
CT3402Data Visualization3 AUNIL
CT3403Cloud Computing3 AUCT2005
Total24 AU 
Artificial Intelligence Specialization 
CT3201Introduction to Artificial Intelligence3 AUCT2006
CT3202Machine Learning Fundamentals3 AUCT2001
CT3203Principles of Deep Neural Network3 AUCT2001
CT3204Natural Language Processing Fundamentals3 AUCT2006
CT3205Computer Vision for AI3 AUCT3202
CT3401Big Data Management3 AUCT2007
CT3402Data Visualization3 AUNIL
CT3403Cloud Computing3 AUCT2005
Total24 AU 
Cyber Security Specialization 
CT3301Software Security Principles3 AUCT2003, CT2006
CT3302Application Security3 AUComplete Foundation Stack
CT3303Security Management3 AUCT2004
CT3304Applied Cryptography3 AUCT2006
CT3305Concepts and Techniques of Malware Security3 AUCT2005
CT3306Cyber Threat Intelligence3 AUComplete Foundation Stack
CT3307Network Security3 AUCT2002
CT3308Digital Forensic3 AUComplete Foundation Stack
Total24 AU 


  • Full Stack Developer
  • Data Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Cyber Risk Analyst
  • Senior Security Engineer
  • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Engineer
  • Product Manager

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Will the five modules be conducted simultaneously and when will the bridging modules start?

    No. The five bridging modules will be offered over a staggered schedule with at most two modules overlapping at any one time. The first series of runs will begin immediately after offers have gone out to successful applicants. You are strongly advised to register for the bridging modules once you receive your offer to ensure you have the opportunity to pass all 5 bridging modules before the matriculation deadline. Each bridging module will run for 6 weeks and the module assessment will be conducted at the end of the 6 weeks.

  2. Do I need to be physically at NTU to take the bridging modules?

    The bridging modules are delivered using both asynchronous and synchronous pedagogies. Students are expected to watch pre-recorded video lessons and work on practice problems given out by the instructor. Learning support in the form of regular weekly scheduled online consultation sessions will be provided for students to video meet with the NTU faculty to discuss the practice exercises and clarify their doubts. However, student should note that the final assessment for each module will be conducted onsite in NTU at a pre-determined date and time published before the start of the bridging module.   

  3. What if I have secured an offer but I am unable to pass all 5 pre-requisite bridging modules before the matriculation deadline?

    You are required to pass all 5 bridging modules before you are allowed to matriculate. If you are unable to meet the necessary requirements for matriculation, your current offer will lapse. You should consider carefully if you should re-apply for intake into the next academic year. Applicants who have previously secured an offer will be given due consideration in their re-application if they are able to pass the outstanding bridging module when a re-run of the bridging module assessment is being conducted. The registration of each bridging module is valid for 1 year, allowing you to make two attempts at the module assessment over an academic year. 

  4. How long is the Bridging Module Test Pass valid for?

    The validity period of the Bridging Module Test is three years from the date of passing.

  5. What are the main differences between the B.Tech programme and the B.Eng(Computer Science) programme?
    1. Admission requirements are different.  For example, the B.Tech programme accepts any polytechnics diplomas while the B.Eng(Computer Science) programme only accepts certain relevant diplomas.  The B.Tech programme provides the potential applicants an opportunity to switch to a professional career in computing from other careers.  To ensure that a student has the right foundation before starting/matriculation to the B.Tech programme, he/she has to pass the 5 bridging modules.
    2. The curriculum of the B.Tech programme aims to train graduates who specialise in one of the three areas. So a B.Tech student does not read the whole set of modules that a B.Eng(Computer Science) student does.  The modules in the Foundation stack in the B.Tech programme will provide students with the knowledge necessary for the modules in the Specialist stack which are before the industrial immersion in a job role in their specialisation area.  
    3. Students have to specialise in one of the three specialisation areas in order to complete the Specialist stack modules and obtain the professional certificate in the area of specialisation.  Then they can continue with the on-the-job training in the area of specialisation in industry before obtaining the B.Tech degree. The three areas of specialisations are Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Cyber Security. In contrast, the B.Eng students may choose to specialise or not specialise in any specific area available in their curriculum.
    4. Compared with the B.Eng programme, the B.Tech programme is even more practice-oriented.  The teaching of the modules, the assessment methods, the projects to be completed emphasises hands-on learning. The module syllabi are co-developed with our industrial partners to ensure industry relevance.  Students are required to complete one whole year of paid on-the-job training, supervised and guided by industrial specialists, before obtaining the degree, compared to the B.Eng students, who have a compulsory 20-Weeks professional Internship during their degree programme. 


  6. What are the differences between our B.Tech programme and other B.Tech programmes in Singapore?

NTU’s WSDeg B.Tech programme may be the most practice-oriented programme.  The mini capstone project at the end of Foundation stack modules, the mini capstone project at the end of Specialist stack modules, the industrial capstone project and the on-the-job training will equip you with significant amount of real-world work experiences, in addition to the knowledge and skills you will obtain from your academic modules.

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