NTU-Tsinghua AIR Workshop on Computational Sustainability in Digital Infrastructures -- June 11th

11 Jun 2024 09.00 AM - 12.30 PM Current Students, Industry/Academic Partners

Time: 9am-12:30pm, June 11th Tuesday 2024
Venue: NTU North Spine LT3
Sign up for free by June 6th: https://forms.gle/nXNKQQuLYWLp7ENp7

The workshop consists of 9 research presentations made by professors from NTU CCDS and Tsinghua Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR), in the topics of computational sustainability in the continuum of cloud to edge.

The Q/A after each presentation and the poster session during the break time will offer opportunities for attendees to interact with the speakers.

Undergraduate and master students are also welcome to join to learn about the cutting-edge research. A student who wishes to set up and present a poster may contact the organizer at [email protected] for more information.

Workshop program

0. 9am-9:05am: Opening

1. Research talk session 1
      1.1   9:05am-9:25am: "AI and Digital Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future: A Tale of Twin Transition" by Yonggang Wen (Professor @ NTU/CCDS)
      1.2   9:25am-9:45am: "Efficient On-Device Deep Learning" by Liu Yunxin (Professor @ Tsinghua/AIR)
      1.3   9:45am-10:05am: "Designing Serverless Cloud Systems for Large-Scale Generative AI" by Dmitrii Ustiugov (Assistant Professor @ NTU/CCDS)
      1.4   10:05am-10:25am: "Towards Generalizable and Sample-Efficient Embodied AI" by Xianyuan Zhan (Assistant Professor @ Tsinghua/AIR)

2. 10:25am-10:50am: break and poster session

3. Research talk session 2
      3.1   10:50am-11:10am: "Optimization and Acceleration of Large Model Training and Finetuning" by Tianwei Zhang (Assistant Professor @ NTU/CCDS)
      3.2   11:10am-11:30am: "LLM-powered Mobile Agent" by Yuanchun Li (Assistant Professor @ Tsinghua/AIR)
      3.3   11:30am-11:50am: "Efficient Federated Learning with Continuous-Time Neural Networks" by Rui Tan (Associate Professor @ NTU/CCDS)
      3.4   11:50am-12:10pm: "Generative Data Compression" by Yan Wang (Assistant Professor @ Tsinghua/AIR)

      3.5   12:10pm-12:30pm: "Generative AI for Low-Carbon Artificial Intelligence of Things" by Dusit Niyato (Professor @ NTU/CCDS)
