Published on 10 Oct 2024

Convocation 2024 – Medal & Award Winners Feature

S/N Name of Award Name of Awardee Prog
Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal
1 Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal Neo Wei Ming CE
2 Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal An Ruyi CSC
3 Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal Choy Xin Yun DSAI
Gold Medals for Graduating Students
1 Defence Science & Technology Agency Gold Medal Neo Wei Ming CE
2 IMDA Gold Medal An Ruyi CSC
3 Information Technology Management Association Gold Medal cum Book Prize Hu Kairui CSC
4 Tata Consultancy Services Gold Medal Koh Jia Cheng CSC
5 Hewlett-Packard Gold Medal Alvin Tan De Jun CSEC
6 DSTA Gold Medal cum Cash Award Choy Xin Yun DSAI
7 Yoozoo Gold Medal Choy Xin Yun DSAI
Book Prizes for Students from Non-Graduating Years
1 Accenture Book Prize Luo Xiaoyang CE


1. Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal   
    Defence Science & Technology Agency Gold Medal

Photo of Convocation 2024 – Medal & Award Winners: Neo Wei Ming.Winner: NEO WEI MING, Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) 

I am deeply honoured and happy to be awarded both the Lee Kuan Yew and DSTA Gold Medals. While these awards recognize my efforts in achieving academic excellence, I would like to dedicate them to everyone who has been part of my undergraduate journey. This includes my family, friends, professors, and all the NTU staff who have supported me along the way. 

I would like to thank CCDS for equipping me with the foundational knowledge for my major and helping me with all the administrative matters such as resolving timetable clashes and allowing me to take an examination online due to my external commitments.  

Moreover, I am thankful for the opportunities provided by the CN Yang Scholars Programme (CNYSP). Honestly, when I first started as a freshman, I had no idea that research was about reading scientific papers and trying to advance the state of the art. It was pretty silly of me to initially think that research was simply about googling for information. That said, as I took on more research modules under the CNYSP, I was equipped with a better understanding of what research entails, which helped me secure my first research internship with the Institute of High-Performance Computing. 

Thanks to the guidance of my supervisors back then, I managed to discover some fruitful findings and I decided to extend my internship to write a paper about my research, which was eventually accepted at an international conference. Reading this, you might think that my journey was easy. Contrary to that, it was filled with tremendous stress as I tried to balance my academics and internship commitments. I often doubted myself, wondering if I, as a second-year undergraduate, could publish a paper at a top-tier conference. 

Collage photos of undergraduate's internships, attending international conference and travels.

My accomplishment earned me an opportunity to travel to Rwanda to present my work, which I am glad I accepted as it became a turning point in my undergraduate life. Besides attending the conference, I had my fair share of solo adventure which strongly ignited my wanderlust and made me crave experiences that couldn’t be found in Singapore. From then on, I began actively looking out for overseas opportunities, which led me to intern at a startup in Shanghai, China, through the Overseas Entrepreneurship Programme (OEP) and complete my final year project in Tokyo, Japan, under the CNYSP. These overseas experiences broadened my horizons, developed my global mindset, and made me more confident in tackling my own challenges. It's as though I have discovered a new personality that I didn’t know existed in me. That’s when I realize that the greatest lessons aren’t learned in the classroom. All these experiences wouldn’t be possible without the support and subsidies provided by CCDS, CNYSP, and OEP.

Collage photo of undergraduates travelling.

To my juniors, as you continue to embark on your undergraduate journey, take some time to reflect on your journey thus far. Have you been making the best out of your undergraduate life? I still remember my first day enrolling in university, telling myself that my goal for the next four years is to work hard, get good grades, graduate with honours, and find a decent job. I’m pretty sure many of us start university feeling this way. However, as I reflect on my undergraduate journey, I realize that university is more than just an academic endeavour. What you bring with you as memories after you graduate are the friendships and connections you have made, the experiences you have embarked on, and the challenges you have faced. For me, each of these has shaped me into who I am today, and I am very grateful for them. University is a testbed for you to try out new stuff and to find out what interests you. Many opportunities are provided by CCDS and NTU, and all you have to do is be open-minded and actively seek them out. Personally, I believe that those who get to enjoy their university life to their fullest and yet balance their academic commitments triumph over those who simply achieve the best academic performance. So go out there and live your best undergraduate life, for this will probably be the last time you get to enjoy yourself before the struggles of the working life kick in.

Lastly, to my peers who have graduated alongside me, congratulations! I hope you have thanked yourself for your own hard work over the past four years, and I’m sure that your younger self would have been very proud of your achievements. As you continue with your life ahead, you may think that the future may be daunting and overwhelming and that whatever you do might never be enough to prepare yourself for the future. Though it may be true to some extent, do take comfort in the fact that you are not alone – you are facing the unknown together with everyone else. Instead of worrying about what’s far ahead, what you can do right now is simply employ a greedy algorithm and take your next best step within your own limits. Life’s not about reaching the optimal end, but rather taking the optimal step as it comes.  Step by step, as you move closer to your goal, you’ll realize that most of your worries are unfounded, and life isn’t as scary as you initially thought. Take pride in the fact that you have made it thus far and I’m sure you are more than capable of tackling even more challenges ahead. All you have to do is to continue to believe in yourself and push forward. I look forward to the day when each and every one of you achieves your own form of success.

Once again, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been part of my undergraduate journey and made me who I am today. Thank you!


2. Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal   
    IMDA Gold Medal

    Winner: AN RUYI, Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science)

Photo of Convocation 2024 – Medal & Award Winner: An Ruyi.

I am deeply humbled to receive the Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal and the IMDA Gold Medal at Nanyang Technological University. This accolade reflects the invaluable camaraderie and support that I had throughout this experience. My heartfelt thanks go to each person who has been part of this incredible journey; without your support, my path would neither have been as joyful nor as fulfilling.

My experience at CCDS has been both challenging and rewarding, filled with rigorous projects and a dynamic curriculum that pushed the boundaries of students’ understanding. The practical applications of theoretical knowledge in labs and assignments shaped my academic experience to be truly holistic.

To the class of 2024 of CCDS, congratulations on bringing a remarkable chapter of your lives to culmination, and I extend my best wishes as you step into the next chapter. Sharing this adventure with you has been a source of profound pleasure. Together, we navigated the unique challenges of virtual engagement and online learning amidst the pandemic, fostering a spirit of engagement and mutual support that I hope will extend beyond our graduation. I trust that this milestone is not a farewell but a promise of future reunions and continued connections. 

To my juniors and freshmen, I extend my warmest congratulations as you are on your transformative journey at CCDS. You will encounter people from varied backgrounds, acquire new skills, and undergo profound personal and professional growth. Cherish each friendship and every experience you have; these moments are not only memorable but will shape the greatest essence of your university life.

3. Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal   
    DSTA Gold Medal cum Cash Award   
    Yoozoo Gold Medal

Photo of the Convocation 2024 – Medal & Award Winner: Choy Xin Yun.Winner: CHOY XIN YUN, Bachelor of Science in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence

I am deeply honoured to have received the Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal, awarded to the student with the highest general proficiency throughout their programme of study, as well as the DSTA and Yoozoo Gold Medals. My accomplishments are a testament to the guidance and inspiration provided by my professors, who have been exemplary role models and imparted invaluable lessons both academically and in life. 

To my family and friends, many of whom I have made over the past four years at NTU through both my coursework and extracurricular activities, your unwavering support and belief in me throughout both the highlights and struggles of my journey have been a source of strength. During the challenging times when I felt overwhelmed, your encouragement has helped me persevere and find my way through the darkness.

I am also grateful to the countless individuals who, through small acts of kindness or words of advice, have made a significant impact on my journey. Your actions, no matter how small it may have seemed, have changed my life for the better and I believe every one of them has played a crucial role in my success.

Two photos, 1st one is an undergraduate holding a bouquet of flowers with a lady. 2nd one is an undergraduate holding 2 boxes of medals and a hardcover cert.

To my professors, family, loved ones, friends, and everyone I have encountered along this path, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude.

I chose the DSAI Programme because of my keen interest in both the growing field of artificial intelligence as well as mathematics and statistical analysis. Having graduated and completed the programme, I can confidently say that the DSAI programme has not only deepened my knowledge in these areas but also broadened my interests through its comprehensive and adaptable curriculum. Among the many modules, I particularly enjoyed those on neural networks, data visualization, multivariate analysis, and simulation techniques in finance. These courses offered not only a solid introduction in fundamental concepts but also provided many opportunities to explore and apply advanced techniques through the coursework, and to gain experience through hands-on projects.

One of the highlights of my studies in the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Programme (DSAI) was my Final Year Project (FYP), supervised by Dr Fan Xiuyi. I was fortunate to have such an understanding and flexible mentor, who allowed me to adapt my project topic to align with my interests. My project focused on developing neural network models to dynamically forecast patient vital signs using Markov Chain principles. This project provided me with the opportunity to apply everything I had learned throughout my coursework and observe firsthand how the various modules throughout my years of study integrated into a cohesive research endeavour. Additionally, I was honoured to have been able to present my findings at IJCNN 2024, which was a remarkable experience.

I was also grateful to have had the invaluable opportunity to intern at the Home Team Science and Technology Agency (HTX) for one semester for my Professional Internship (PI) module. This experience provided me with valuable insights into integrating AI into solutions to enhance the capabilities of various Home Team departments, as well as a peek into what the working life could look like after I graduate. It was truly eye-opening, offering a deeper understanding of how the concepts I learned in the classroom could be applied in an industry setting. The internship not only enriched my practical knowledge but also gave me a firsthand look at the real-world applications of my studies.

Beyond my academic pursuits, I actively engaged in a range of extracurricular activities during my four years at NTU, including the NTU CAC Business Committee, NTU Choir, and various hall CCAs and events. While my primary focus remained on my studies, these activities greatly enriched my university experience. Despite being time-consuming, I had many memorable and unique experiences that translated into valuable life skills. Additionally, they allowed me to forge strong friendships with students from other faculties – connections I might not have made through my coursework alone.

I encourage freshmen and juniors to explore opportunities beyond their academic studies. One of the most important lessons I have learned is that there isn’t a single "correct" or a "better" way to navigate university life. While meeting the graduation requirements is important, the rest is up to you to shape. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to university. Take the path that you find the most interesting and exciting to you, even if it’s different from what others are pursuing.


4. Information Technology Management Association Gold Medal cum Book Prize

Photo of the Convocation 2024 – Medal & Award Winner: Hu Kairui.Winner: HU KAIRUI, Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science) 

Standing at North Spine, watching the mesmerizing sunset, memories of the leisurely evening strolls with my friends come flooding back. These moments of tranquillity and joy remind me how fortunate I have been to be part of NTU. NTU has witnessed my transformation from a curious freshman to a confident graduate, prepared to make a positive difference in the world. 

As I approach graduation and reflect on the incredible journey that has brought me to this point, I am filled with gratitude. Receiving the esteemed Information Technology Management Association Gold Medal cum Book Prize award, I am profoundly thankful to NTU and the College of Computing and Data Science (CCDS) for the unwavering support and the numerous opportunities provided me.  

D uring my undergraduate journey, I had the opportunity to delve into and truly enjoy my studies. As a freshman, I enthusiastically engaged in various courses, from fundamental data structures to advanced topics such as deep learning. I still recall the exhilaration of my initial coding assignment, the fulfillment derived from solving intricate algorithms, and the thrill of witnessing my code run without bugs. My final year at NTU was a culmination of all the knowledge and experience I had gained. It was the first time I took the lead on a research project from scratch. The project involved developing an advanced algorithm for Natural Language Processing, which our collaborators had already used in real-world applications. I was also fortunate to have my Final Year Project result published, which has inspired me to pursue further academic research and contribute to the industry.

I have so many cherished memories from my time on campus. I still remember being in the Lee Wee Nam Library during the exam period. One of the sweetest things we used to do there was to write motivational notes and stick them on the wall to encourage each other. Whenever I felt down or overwhelmed, I would read these messages and feel an emotional boost. Besides, running on campus during tranquil nights has also become one of my favourite pastimes. The peaceful environment, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the occasional sighting of playful otters made each run a delightful experience. These sweet memories of campus life have been integral to my undergraduate journey, shaping my experiences and leaving an indelible mark on my heart.

Collage photos of an international undergraduates' campus life.

I am truly grateful for the unwavering love and support of my family, which has provided me with a safe haven of unconditional love. As an international student, our nightly calls were a great source of comfort and motivation, reassuring me that no matter what happens, my family will always have my back. I would also like to thank my loved one for all the companionship and love. With your support, I always felt positive and brave to face every challenge in my life.

I am also grateful to NTU and CCDS for providing an exceptional platform filled with opportunities, comprehensive courses, internships, and impactful research projects that have significantly shaped my academic journey. I am thankful to all the professors and lecturers for their valuable contributions to our education. In particular, I want to express my sincere appreciation to Professor Guan Cuntai, my FYP supervisor, for his invaluable advice, guidance, and support. His dedication and encouragement have been instrumental in my research journey, profoundly impacting my academic path. Finally, I would like to thank all NTU staff for their unwavering support and dedication.

Furthermore, I also wish all my juniors a bright future ahead. Hope you seize every opportunity to explore and experience new things. All experiences will broaden your horizons and foster unexpected personal growth. Additionally, take the time to unearth your true passions. Explore different paths before discovering what truly resonates with you, and allow your passions to drive your pursuit of excellence and enrich your university experience. Lastly, treasure the relationships you form during your university years. These connections with peers, professors, and staff are as crucial as your academic achievements. Remember to give back and support others as you progress, and always maintain an attitude of gratitude and positivity.

Over time, NTU became more than just an educational institution; it became my second home. The friendships I formed, the challenges I overcame, and the achievements I celebrated all contributed to a deep sense of belonging. I hope we can all live the life we have imagined. Your life is your story, and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential. 


5. Tata Consultancy Services Gold Medal

Photo of the Convocation 2024 – Medal & Award Winner: Koh Jia Cheng.Winner: KOH JIA CHENG, Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science)

Receiving the Tata Consultancy Services Gold Medal is a tremendous honour and a significant milestone in my journey as a computer science student at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). My fascination with technology began at a young age, but it wasn't until I started my studies at NTU that I truly delved deeply into the world of software engineering.

Throughout my time at NTU, I have been incredibly fortunate to meet and collaborate with amazing peers. From the first semester, we formed a close-knit group, aligning our timetables and supporting each other through the challenges of our coursework. The strength of a good team lies in its ability to weather any storm, and my team proved this time and again. We worked on numerous projects together, leveraging each other's strengths and compensating for individual weaknesses. The camaraderie and teamwork we developed were instrumental in our collective success.

One of the most transformative experiences during my time at NTU was taking a six-month Leave of Absence (LOA) to participate in the Overseas Entrepreneurship Programme (OEP) in San Francisco, California. This decision required a leap of faith, as it meant stepping out of my comfort zone and immersing myself in the vibrant start-up culture of Silicon Valley. During this period, I had the opportunity to work at a tech start-up, where I was exposed to cutting-edge technologies and surrounded by like-minded individuals who shared my passion for innovation.

Collage photos of undergraduate's internshipsCollage photos of undergraduate's internships

The experience was nothing short of exhilarating. I also had the chance to travel across various states, including New York, Colorado, Nevada, and Hawaii, creating unforgettable memories with my peers. The OEP not only broadened my horizons but also reinforced my desire to contribute meaningfully to the tech industry.

To the freshmen and juniors reading this, my advice is to make the most of every opportunity NTU offers. Participate in hackathons, internships, and overseas exchanges. These experiences provide invaluable learning opportunities and help you build a robust skill set that will serve you well in your future career. The school is here to support you, so take full advantage of the resources available.


6. Hewlett-Packard Gold Medal

Photo of the Convocation 2024 – Medal & Award Winner: Alvin TanWinner: ALVIN TAN DE JUN, Double Degree in Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science) and Bachelor ofSocial Sciences in Economics

I am honoured and humbled to receive the prestigious Hewlett-Packard Gold Medal. Throughout my 4.5 years, NTU has provided me with strong foundations in computing and economics, giving me a head start in my future academic pursuit and career. My decision to pursue a double degree in Computer Science and Economics has benefitted me in many ways, with both disciplines being very analytical by nature. Formal academic training in Economics has taught me to analyze data and trends, which is useful in areas such as machine learning and artificial intelligence in Computer Science. Being exposed to these two degrees have brought new perspectives into the way I view problems, making it valuable in roles that require an understanding of both domains, such as in quantitative finance, fintech and data science.

Looking back at my time in NTU evoked a mixture of emotions that cannot be simply put into words: nostalgic, bittersweet, gratitude, warmth, and joy. I am immensely grateful for all the opportunities NTU has provided me, allowing me to develop myself both academically and personally.

During my second year, I had the privilege to participate in the Undergraduate Research Experience on Campus (URECA) program, working under the guidance of Dr Melvin Chen and Dr Quek Wei Liang. My research focused on proposing a technology-assisted approach to studying the behavior of macaques on the NTU campus, in the hope that it would improve data-driven decision-making and ultimately lead to harmonious co-existence between humans and macaques, not just on campus, but across Singapore. It eventually led to a publication in the Pacific Conservation Biology journal, giving me my first glimpse into research work. I am thankful for the guidance received from Dr Melvin and Dr Quek.

A group of undergraduates went on an exchange program in Norway.

One of the most memorable experiences in NTU was when I went on an exchange program to Norway. It was a wonderful opportunity to experience a vastly different culture and learn in a different environment. I am grateful for the friends I have made during exchange that made it a memorable and enjoyable one. I miss our cooking sessions, hiking in the snow, road trips, looking at northern light and the adventures that we had in the cabin.   

Of course, my time in NTU was not just filled with fun and excitement, but also challenges. There were many times where I had to stay up late at night to catch up with lectures and rush to finish multiple assignments/projects. During such stressful periods, it is my friends who helped me through it by encouraging me to push through, offering support when I needed it most, and reminding me that I wasn’t alone in facing those challenges. I am very grateful to all my friends (from NTU and elsewhere), for accompanying me through my journey.  

To the incoming freshmen and juniors, understand that success comes with hard work and grit. Stay persistent and committed, even when things get tough. Don’t be afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone, take risks and learn from your mistakes. Make lots of friends during your time in NTU – they are the ones that will make your learning experience a more memorable one. Make full use of the opportunities available in NTU to try different things and find your passion. Above all, remember to prioritize your well-being and pace yourself throughout your journey; life is a marathon, not a sprint.  

To my fellow class of 2024, congratulations on your graduation! We survived the late nights working through countless past year papers, debugging the robot that just never works as intended in MDP, and writing the endless number of pages in your FYP. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours!

To end off, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my family for the love and support I received throughout the years and for shaping me into the person I am today. I would also like to thank my professors and friends that I have met throughout my journey in NTU. Thank you A/P Yeo Chai Kiat for patiently guiding me throughout my FYP and for providing me with advice on my postgraduate studies. Without their support, I would not be who I am today.

Once again, happy graduation to the class of 2024! 

Medals & Awards video: 

On behalf of CCDS, we extend our warmest congratulations to all our graduates and wish you the very best in all your future endeavours.