Published on 10 Oct 2024

Convocation 2024 – Valedictorian

Collage photos of a NTU valedictorian with peer and family.Christopher Arif Setiadharma, Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science)

I was extremely fortunate to be spurred on by a solid support system in my journey. They help in addressing our doubts or perhaps just listening to them, pulling us out of the trenches or maybe just being in there with us, helping out in certain tasks or maybe just helping us keep track of our tasks, and more. This can be your family members, friends, classmates, neighbours, mentors, professors.

Thank you to my family for the unconditional support. To my mother, for always telling me in the late evenings to just wrap up what I am doing and rest up. To the boys, you know who you are, for always keeping each other in the right state of mind through various methods. My girlfriend Pia for always tag-teaming and helping each other in studying, and doing assignments, despite being in different faculties. She insists that her plush toy is part of her support system.

To my fellow graduates, congratulations for pulling through your intense journey. To everyone, I encourage you to look for, identify, build and grow your support system. I also encourage you to always remember to smell the roses. You can and will achieve anything you set your mind to.

Interview with Valedictorian:

Convocation 2024 – Valedictorian Speech: