Distinguished Paper Award at CAV 2024

NAP Tan Yong Kiam (front left) and Mr Yang Jiong (front right) receiving the award from the Program Chairs (behind) at CAV 2024.
A paper by College of Computing and Data Science (CCDS), Nanyang Assistant Professor Tan Yong Kiam and collaborators was recognised with one of six “Distinguished Paper Awards” at the recent 36th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV). The Distinguished Paper Awards were selected from 69 accepted papers (https://easychair.org/smart-program/CAV2024/). Details of the paper are as follows:
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Yong Kiam Tan*, Jiong Yang* (NUS School of Computing, PhD student), Mate Soos (NUS School of Computing, postdoc fellow), Magnus O. Myreen (Professor, Chalmers University), Kuldeep S. Meel (Associate Professor, University of Toronto)
*equal contribution