Published on 10 Jul 2018

Team NTU-NUS are developing a speech recognition system that can transcribe Singaporean lingo in real time

A joint team from NUS (Prof Li Haizhou) and NTU (Assoc Prof Chng Eng Siong), are developing a speech recognition system specifically designed to deal with the phenomenon of ‘code-switching’, the practice of changing languages mid-sentence, a feature highly relevant to Singapore!

This work recently was awarded an AI.SG funding of S$1.25million and when completed in 12 to 18 months, the system will be initially deployed with the SCDF to support its call center operations. 



Read more:

Press Release Speech Lab
AI.SG, 9 July

Speech recognition system can transcribe Singaporean lingo in real time  
Yahoo News, 9 July

独特语音识别系统 识别新加坡式英语 
Channel 8 News online, 9 July

Plan to use AI to help emergency call operators 
The Straits Times online, 10 July

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