Talent Management


1. Talent Flow
The cybersecurity talent source is mainly from universities, with 7000~8000 undergraduates annually in computing related courses. Local polytechnics also contribute around 1000 students annually with cybersecurity related training. CRPO will provide research attachment and industrial internship opportunities for fresh graduates. It will equip them with cybersecurity skills through industry and government projects.
Modelled and adopted based on the scheme from A*STAR to enable movement of cybersecurity experts from IHLs/RIs to develop skills required by SMEs and local companies by seconding their research staff to companies for a period of 1 or 2 years. These cybersecurity experts will serve as consultants or advisors and impart their skills and capabilities to SMEs and local companies. This scheme could help local companies to gain access to experts at subsidised employment renumeration, help transfer technology and intellectual property, and build/upgrade capabilities of SMEs and increase the rate which SMEs can adopt technologies.  

2. Talent Building 
CRPO will promote cyber security talent building in various ways. We will work with Association of Information Security Professionals (AiSP), as well as other related institutions, to provide the cyber security training to improve the cyber awareness of Enterprises, SMEs and individuals. 
Training and workshops for working professionals: Keeping in line with Singapore government initiatives such as smart nation and push towards Fintech, Web 3.0 etc. it is very important to impart the knowledge gained through basic and applied R&D to industry for it to blossom. Talented human capital is the most critical resource differentiating the prosperity of countries and to attract leading companies around the world to Singapore. Therefore, the ever-changing nature of technology and innovation makes it imperative to train and develop manpower.